hello people i was just wondering as to what is the general opinion of the euclid c finder (orbital beam gun).I think it's insanely cool and useful in some ways but it's just no wear near powerful considering it's getting ammo from a star that is a million times the mass of earth but it struggles to take a 3rd of super mutant brutes health(i'm not joking go to black mountain and try and that was on normal) and with a sneak attack critical and psycho it took roughly 20% of a deathclaws health off.i mean it should be out of this world (

puns) it's mental how it's so weak and this is meant to be the big nasty rapist gun that mawls and you're suppose to ejac ulate to the gun being used.It just seems like a [censored] attempt to beat the mirv in fo3 imo.But what do yous think.