Why do people never read the whole thread -_- It was a June build Buddy.
The bad textures and crappy LOD aren't going to change in such a short time. Those are fundemental builds that are made in the very beginning of the development.
It's funny how considering that the main purpose of the engine is to draw everything. Seems laughable if the crappy LOD really is that crappy.
The water issue sounded bad. OP, is it the same water bug in this picture? http://cdnstatic.gamesas.com/akqacms/files/tes/screenshots/RuinedFort.jpg
Look at the bottom right corner and how the water transition is cut off.
VERY bad to hear about the extremely fast health regen. I truly hope it was just for the hands on. It would be terrible if it's that fast in the original game.
In any case, I really liked how the dialouge sounded between the husband and wife. Very cool to hear how Spriggans are!
Attacked you with bees, wut... cool