I have a request, if it's not too much to ask... The mesmetron, is one of the bulkiest, awkward weapons around... any chance of making in slimmer, perhaps evolving it into a 2 handed rifle instead?
Yeah, all in due time.
UPDATE **************
Proud to announce EVE - Anchorage is uploaded! Go! Go kill something! what are you sitting here still reading this for?
anywho, guess i'll type some nonsense here on teh EVE blog wat wat
First of all, (true story) your not gonna believe how many people have PM'd me asking me such things like:
"Can you make EVE compatible with FOOK? FOOK is a great overhaul that adds many things to the game. Perhaps you can give your permission and they can use some of your materials"
So does this mean that people DONT actually READ my Readme's???
*sniff* but, but, . . i typed it JUST for YOU -_-
Yeah so about EVE Anchorage. ummm basically Its new meshes that i did for both Gauss and Shocksword. I know i put some "Legend of Zelda" shocksword photos a few posts up, so here's the new Gauss Rifle with 2mm EC ammo clip attached!!
http://fookunity.com/fook_team/weijiesen/EVE/OAplugin/Gauss%202mm%20EC%20almost%20finished.jpg H to the Izzo
Im so releived that the first EVE DLC is out! :party:
But now there's a mountain of chores ahead. I still gotta add "Crit Effects" to energy weapons (on top of Crit Kills, a new never-been-done-before awesomeness from the Semi-cosmic nearly phenominal archmage eternal CIPSCIS ) *clapclapclapclap* (how can i clap if both hands are typing?...)
oh yeah, hehehe, I added some "bonus" stuff to EVE Anchorage! (go on, admit your love for me, lets hear it). EVE now offers Anchorage Gore Fest! Basically what it does is make Gauss and Shocksword inflict deep wounds. The enemy BLEEDS! Like gushing arteries! Coronary trauma! Raincoat needed! Mop and bucket! Basketball court sized exit wounds! errrm.... ok maybe not quite "basketball court sized", but you get the meaning. Slash a random smeghead with your sword and quickly switch to your 2hUmbrella mod. Snipe a taffer in the spine with your gauss and watch him hurl forward leaving a shower of glistening crimson drizzle in his wake. (Thats a little thing i like to call "anticipa . . tion".).
Lets get a little more "specific" though, shall we?
Gauss explosion no longer has the DukeNukem3D blue cloud (was laaame).
Gauss explosion emits MORE bluesparks (blue sparks FTW!)
Gauss scope is more round, and no longer a block plastered to your gun.
Gauss clip is now a 2mm EC clip!!!!! (thank Xporc and Linkes for your suggest/ref).
Gauss coils pulse glow, and emit more light (hard time seeing Gauss DX at noon outdoors. fixed that).
Gauss rifle has no more silly "crank" (wtf was that for anyway?) (Gauss Pipboy icon crank deleted too

Gauss rifle has new textures and a sweeeet normal map to finish the deal.
Gauss rifle should not be used if you have a heart condition, or are pregnant, as the resulting awesomeness may cause irreparable damage.
Shocksword has new mesh (better shape, more intimidating and powerful looking. Electric FX improved and more added. TFC for yourself)
Shocksword makes blue sparks (FTW!) and wisp when non-living surface is struck.
Shocksword leaves slashes/gashes in non-living surfaces
Shocksword has new swing/idle/impact sounds
Shocksword has new pipboy icon to reflect new mesh/fx
Shocksword pwns everything in its wake, including ponies
Ok so now I gotta continue on track with the vanilla uniques ( you have NOT been forgotten!), WMK, and a few other surprises Cipscis and I have up our sleeves (insert dual evil laughs here).
not sure how long it will be till the next EVE DLC, but you know PITT is next, so lets hear some suggestions! AutoAxe and Metal Blaster right? Come on now, step up and type! (both hands on the keyboard pls
