great mod, thanks for it !
Unfortunately it seems to have introduced an issue with 0.95.
Each time I enter the RCTower cell ( Rivet City Bridge Tower ) with EVE active the guards start to run around nervously eventually attacking me.
Deactivate EVE and all runs smooth as usual.
Drove me nuts to track it down but after I reverted literally all to vanilla and even started a new char to eliminate any savegame issues I'm confident that EVE is the culprit.
Would be great if that could be sorted in a quick fix.
Curious if anyone else of you folks encountered that ... ?
I had the same issue, but wasn't sure which mod was causing it.
If I left my followers behind, and didn't run into the Mr. Gutsy, the officers would flee, but no one would attack me. If I ran into Mr. Gutsy, I'd get attacked.