Hmm. The exnem meshes in the original file convert only the battlemage armor, all the robes still use the ugly standart female body.
If you meant, well this mod in particular is not working properly for me (missing meshes and textures), and as i'm reading on nexus is because of some mistakes in the file path.
You are Correct robes still use standard female body. And the exnems meshes included in that are just for BattleMage Armor.. - There is a full version that will work fine, but it based on the old version of Slof Robes.
If you are usng the light version then you will have textures path problem has slof changed path in 2.0 version above, and the light version is meant for old version of slof robes before they where changed.
It would be nice to have a HGEC Version of Slof Robe Trader 2.0 with E Cup, C Cup, EBE Cup variants. But these will take time for me to do. Yes, I just stated that. Will try and do the conversion.
Which would be well worth it actually. Since there is no updated Version at this time that support 2.0 Version of Slof Robe Trader. I will add to do after I finish up the EVE Artifacts. Has I like to work on mulitple things to keep myself busy.