Rewrote EVE mods rules section..
EVE Mods Load Order and Bash Patch,
Rules for EVE MODS
Rule 1) Never Use more than one eve_stockequipmentreplacer at one time..Because Each EVE Mod Contains it own specificly designed eve_stockequipmentreplacer{Whatever}.esp,
So If 1) using MMM, use MMMversion, 2) if using OOO use OOO version, 3) if using fcom use fcom version. Else read on please..
All EVE mods are tagged has graphics so if using bash patched make sure that it is checked off in graphics section of bash patch itself when building.
EVE mods can be merged unless noted below in bash patched. So if say nomerge means not to mark has mergable.
EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp should load after unofficial obivion patch and unofficial shivering isle patch, this can be merged in bash patched
Armamentarium Complete - Use EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, load after uop/usip/, and ArmamentariumFemale.esp must be actived if not using bash. If using bash then it can be merged. and will be active in bashed patch itself.
Francesco Leveled Creatures Mod - Use EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, load after uop/usip, and use FransFemale.esp must be active if not use bash once again. If using bash then it can be merged, and will be active in bashed patch itself.
Martigen Monster Mod - Do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, instead use eve_stockequipmentreplacer4MMM.esp instead. Load after MMM.esp In order load order. To see most of MMM EVE armor you must be using Hunting and Crafting. One of the few EVE replacers for the Player. Since H&C armor is not added to npc (yet). the stock_equipmentreplacer4mmm.esp includes all changes that where need to make compatible with with MMM aka: stats, prices, enchantments, etc anything else that MMM changed on armor. (bash: graphics)
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul - Do not use eve_stockequipmenterplacer.esp, use the stock equipmentreplacer for OOO.esp, load after OOO.esp . Includes all changes that where need to make vanilla/si/ compatible with OOO stats, scripts, names changes, etc. Along with all the OOO armor that needed pointing to female counterparts. This Requires OOO.esm in order to work so that if you equip certain armor you can wear the cape at the same time.
(bash: graphics) can be merged.
MMMforOOO config - use the fcom version below. and load after MMMforOOO.esp in load order. Make sure to have EVE vanilla/ OOO/MMM resources installed has well
FCOM - First do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, Use the eve_stockequipmentreplacer4FCOM.esp which is a cobmination of both of the MMM/OOO esp from above. Since most of the changes in the esp came from OOO. This plugin is almost virutally the same has that. expect with a few small minor changes here for fcom names on armor, stats, prices, enchantment, along with MMM stuff has well. Since FCOM itself a combination of Mods aka Frans Cry OOO MMM (Arma) need to load these esp alongside the eve_stockequipmentreplacer4fcom.esp like so.
1) FransFemale.esp load after Frans file in load order
2) EVE_stockequipmentreplacer4fcom.esp load this after FCOM_Convergence.esp in load order..
3) If using Armamentarium place ArmamentariumFemale.esp where other arma files are located at.
So Once again ..Do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, instead use eve_stockequipmenterplacer4fcom.esp , load after fcom.esp itself, along with fransfemale.esp, along with armentariumfemale.esp if using that has well. FCOM requires bash patched so check merge and graphics section and make sure these are checked off has needed. else contains all the changes need to make it compabitle with ooo/mmm.
Knights of Nine esp
EVE_Knights.esp should load after knights.esp, knights unofficial patch.esp, but before fcom_knights, mmm_knights..
Race Fixes
EVE_Khajiitfix.esp should load where you have other race mods. If using other race mod that modify khajiit..aka RBP or COBL races you must use bash, no if and or butts about it. It will crash if using a race mod that modifies khajiit. make sure it is checked off in races section of bashed patch and it merge patch section has well. (bash:races)
Shiveing Isle
EVE_ShivernigIsleEasterEggs.esp - This is world moddifcation so it can load almost anywhere since adds location's where you can find some si clothing, so it cannot be merged in bashed patch. esle full eve si support is built into each esp..