[RELZ] EVEHGEC: Eyecandy Variants Expansion [RELZ]

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:45 pm

Read the first post at the very bottom it explains everything..read very carefully...

I did. Multiple times. :wacko:

I think the answer is all of them, but I'd like confirmation.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:26 am

I did. Multiple times. :wacko:

I think the answer is all of them, but I'd like confirmation.

I guess you missed this part..

Do not use More than One stock.esp at one time.

So only use, fransfemale, knightsofnine.esp and fcom.esp only..and armafemale if using armamentarium..

else read below revamped that section
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

Rewrote EVE mods rules section..

EVE Mods Load Order and Bash Patch,

Rules for EVE MODS

Rule 1) Never Use more than one eve_stockequipmentreplacer at one time..Because Each EVE Mod Contains it own specificly designed eve_stockequipmentreplacer{Whatever}.esp,

So If 1) using MMM, use MMMversion, 2) if using OOO use OOO version, 3) if using fcom use fcom version. Else read on please..

All EVE mods are tagged has graphics so if using bash patched make sure that it is checked off in graphics section of bash patch itself when building.
EVE mods can be merged unless noted below in bash patched. So if say nomerge means not to mark has mergable.

EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp should load after unofficial obivion patch and unofficial shivering isle patch, this can be merged in bash patched

Armamentarium Complete - Use EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, load after uop/usip/, and ArmamentariumFemale.esp must be actived if not using bash. If using bash then it can be merged. and will be active in bashed patch itself.

Francesco Leveled Creatures Mod - Use EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, load after uop/usip, and use FransFemale.esp must be active if not use bash once again. If using bash then it can be merged, and will be active in bashed patch itself.

Martigen Monster Mod - Do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, instead use eve_stockequipmentreplacer4MMM.esp instead. Load after MMM.esp In order load order. To see most of MMM EVE armor you must be using Hunting and Crafting. One of the few EVE replacers for the Player. Since H&C armor is not added to npc (yet). the stock_equipmentreplacer4mmm.esp includes all changes that where need to make compatible with with MMM aka: stats, prices, enchantments, etc anything else that MMM changed on armor. (bash: graphics)

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul - Do not use eve_stockequipmenterplacer.esp, use the stock equipmentreplacer for OOO.esp, load after OOO.esp . Includes all changes that where need to make vanilla/si/ compatible with OOO stats, scripts, names changes, etc. Along with all the OOO armor that needed pointing to female counterparts. This Requires OOO.esm in order to work so that if you equip certain armor you can wear the cape at the same time.
(bash: graphics) can be merged.

MMMforOOO config - use the fcom version below. and load after MMMforOOO.esp in load order. Make sure to have EVE vanilla/ OOO/MMM resources installed has well

FCOM - First do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, Use the eve_stockequipmentreplacer4FCOM.esp which is a cobmination of both of the MMM/OOO esp from above. Since most of the changes in the esp came from OOO. This plugin is almost virutally the same has that. expect with a few small minor changes here for fcom names on armor, stats, prices, enchantment, along with MMM stuff has well. Since FCOM itself a combination of Mods aka Frans Cry OOO MMM (Arma)..you need to load these esp alongside the eve_stockequipmentreplacer4fcom.esp like so.

1) FransFemale.esp load after Frans file in load order
2) EVE_stockequipmentreplacer4fcom.esp load this after FCOM_Convergence.esp in load order..
3) If using Armamentarium place ArmamentariumFemale.esp where other arma files are located at.

So Once again ..Do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, instead use eve_stockequipmenterplacer4fcom.esp , load after fcom.esp itself, along with fransfemale.esp, along with armentariumfemale.esp if using that has well. FCOM requires bash patched so check merge and graphics section and make sure these are checked off has needed. else contains all the changes need to make it compabitle with ooo/mmm.

Knights of Nine esp

EVE_Knights.esp should load after knights.esp, knights unofficial patch.esp, but before fcom_knights, mmm_knights..

Race Fixes

EVE_Khajiitfix.esp should load where you have other race mods. If using other race mod that modify khajiit..aka RBP or COBL races you must use bash, no if and or butts about it. It will crash if using a race mod that modifies khajiit. make sure it is checked off in races section of bashed patch and it merge patch section has well. (bash:races)

Shiveing Isle

EVE_ShivernigIsleEasterEggs.esp - This is world moddifcation so it can load almost anywhere since adds location's where you can find some si clothing, so it cannot be merged in bashed patch. esle full eve si support is built into each esp..

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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:10 pm

Rewrote EVE mods rules section..

Much much clearer. :goodjob:
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:17 pm

The red velvet blouse is missing stencil properties in the arms, I will be looking into that, I'm currently working on a massive update for my C-cup underwear variant. I got a bit stressed and in a hurry when the announcments of the other variants being finished and I combined the meshes incorrectly and lost all the arm materials.

I will add the property in my update, please be patiant as I havn't fully mastered the variant yet and wish to do so. Looking to fix all the shoulders in the meshes so the HGEC body appears more correct when placing clothing on your character. I'm going to add more verticies to the meshes to allow this transformation. Fram rates should not change too much, hey my system is almost low end and plays this fine.

I'm putting in as much time in this project as I can, I've already mentioned the reasons why I havn't been able to get things running as fast as I used to. Things to look forward to when I'm finally done with this project.

a full outline for the hgec body, you will be able to see that she has the Hentai Gentlemans body even with clothing on.

Female amulet models, no more halos around the neck.

more complex and nicer looking meshes, no more boxy briasts seen on the robes.

the best compatability when it comes to clashing clothing.

a realy nice read-me edited on both paint and gimp

In the future when I can get 3Ds Max back, Seemless C-cup underwear variant meshes. No more bothering blender blemishes.

Once again I'm really sorry for how long this is taking me. I know it seems like this will take forever but I'm giving it the best I got to make you all happy with the price of nothing...
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:56 am

Don't sweat it Sm0ken 1nFin8. I'm just happy to hear your still trying your best to improve an already great mod. I wish you the best of luck.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 am

Smoken there's no rush - Just take your time and enjoy yourself
If at any time you feel rushed or pressured - then just do what I do - step back and take a break
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anna ley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:31 am

Wow my game is screwed up :::sigh:::

So I've jumbled the load order to get rid of pink skin and at this time have:

EVE Stock with textures
RBP extra textures for exnem

and still I get pink on bosmer, imperials, and a few others (but not Dark elves or Orcs or beasts).

Also their eyes are now all black - why? what causes that?

I'm going to have to go through all of this with a fine tooth comb to get to the cause of it.

I do not recall having this problem when i was using OMOD version of EVE (In fact I'm sure of it) - only after switching to BAIN.

Ah well ... tomorrows 'not fun' Oblivion 'part time work' activity.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:09 pm

well the bosmer eye are supposed to be black if i remember my lore - you'll probably find you have some mod changing the settings

Also if you have pink texture on the imperials and bosmer it looks like the default textures haven't been installed - look in textures\characters\imperial they should be a footfemale.dds - it that not there install one of the multitude of exnem body texture mods out there to put one in and that should solve it
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Jon O
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 am

I don't know what could cause you to miss so many files. I use the BAIN versions in my game (I made them ^_^ ) and everything works fine. Here's how I have it installed:

Bain Packages:095 - Race Balancing Project Core Files v10.5.7z (12755A2E)096 - Race Balancing Project Resource Files v10.5.7z (FD601B18)097 - HGEC - EVE - Stock Equipment Replacer v1.0.7z (356138F5)098 - HGEC - EVE - OOO Equipment Replacer v1.3.7z (1FEE0F34)099 - HGEC - EVE - MMM Equipment Replacer v1.0.7z (86D4F0C7)100 - HGEC - EVE - Fran's Equipment Replacer v1.4.7z (85483B5B)101 - HGEC - EVE - FCOM Equipment Replacer v1.4.7z (761D67A5)102 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v4.7z (FDC2AFBA)103 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v4 - OOO Muscular Clothes & Armor.7z (533DB61E)104 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v4 - MMM Muscular Clothes & Armor.7z (1E8FED6D)105 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v4 - Fran's Muscular Clothes & Armor.7z (910D5485)106 - Better Redguards v2.1.7z (84C52A7C) (Not Installed)107 - HGEC - Body Seam Reducer v1.0.7z (0F378394)108 - Improved Facial Textures.7z (7E98DEC4)109 - Improved Argonian Facial Textures v1.1.7z (10EAB544)110 - New Face Textures, by Enayla.7z (74D4E770)220 - [WIP] RBP Custom (341B1DF9)

That's my load order for all race mods I use and it works just fine. My only guess is that you aren't checking off the right sub-packages when installing. Double check all this.

Edit: One more thing. Notice how I have an RBP Custom which changes the filepaths of all textures to match the EVE Khajiit fix and Robert's Male Body, did you at any time change your RBP ESP to match some other replacer and forgot to change it back?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:33 am

Wow my game is screwed up :::sigh:::

So I've jumbled the load order to get rid of pink skin and at this time have:

Do you have anything in bsa format that include body textures?

Smoken, take your time and enjoy yourself..like axil said..
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 am


Why do you then have two versions of the RBP? Why not just use one.

I did alter my RBP to integrate Slofs better beasts - that is all.

No BSAs that I can think of - slowly reconstructing a BAIN package to include all necessary mods in the right order - probably take a short while.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:24 pm


Why do you then have two versions of the RBP? Why not just use one.

I did alter my RBP to integrate Slofs better beasts - that is all.

Two versions :huh: ? I have the ESP files (excluding the core file), the resource files, and my custom core file all in 3 separate BAIN packages. I don't know where you got the idea I'm running two versions.

Well if you only added Slofs Better Beast then that shouldn't be causing problems with any of the human races. Really I have no idea what to tell you now. Try going to 'Data\Textures\Characters' and make sure you have all the necessary files. So make sure you have all the files in the '00,01,10,15' sub-packages (note that only one version of the 10 and 15 sub-packages is necessary) in your Data folder. I just double check the packages and they are all there.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 am

Because the packages you listed - RBP at 095 and the custom one at 220.

I guess I didn't realize at first - the later one would overwrite the newer one.
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:40 pm

Oh okay, I can see how that might have been confusing. I just use the ESP/ESM Filter to only get the ESPs I haven't customized (which isn't that many). All my packages after 200 are personal, WIP, customized versions of mods from other people. Around 40% of my load list is actually personal custom ESPs.

Well tell us if you find out anything; good luck on solving the issue. The only way I can replicate this is by either not install the meshes and not the textures, vice-versa. And about the eyes, that has nothing to do with EVE. Eye problems would be with RBP, but I again have no issue so I'll just wish you luck
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:02 am

So after creating several BAIN packages to improve my implementation of skin texture replacers (which is a good thing) - I still had pink skin - I had a moment of doubt about my abilities and almost shed a small 'I can't do this tear' then I saw a child run by in game and remembered that I had added this mod:


Which makes children of some NPCs and adds children. Anyway the child had a black head and pink body - but then I saw argonian and dark elf kids that didn't have this affliction.

I'd ignored the mod previously as it had no bash tags, but when I deactivated the mod it deactivated the bashed patch so even though there are no tags it was importing something. After the rebash of patch sans the kids everything works fine.

It is the pleasant experiences like this that makes me appreciate games I don't mod.

I guess it would be safe to say that this child mod is not very compatible.

[edit] Hey xFrancis147- or anyone-

What exactly is the advantage of modifying the RBP esp to include the Roberts Male body and the EVE khajit fix? What is wrong with having that separate?

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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:22 am

What exactly is the advantage of modifying the RBP esp to include the Roberts Male body and the EVE khajit fix? What is wrong with having that separate?


you can just have them separate, but the tags will override RBP changes...
i.e.- lets say you have RMBv4 and RBP, you tag RMBv4 with {{Body-M}} so that all your dudes look better, however the bashpatch will also import the height changes which will overrides RBPs. So just edit RBP to include RMBv4 and then you can have buff dudes with the variety of heights that RBP offers :)
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am

BadCompany is right. It could also cause problems with the HighElfBodySeamReducerFix and the RBPBetterRedguards ESPs, but I'm too lazy to explain the specifics.

Wow so a "child" mod was forcing you through this pink/black hell? I'm gonna take a loot at it tomorrow; maybe come up with a reason and a compatibility patch.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 am

BadCompany is right. It could also cause problems with the HighElfBodySeamReducerFix and the RBPBetterRedguards ESPs, but I'm too lazy to explain the specifics.

Wow so a "child" mod was forcing you through this pink/black hell? I'm gonna take a loot at it tomorrow; maybe come up with a reason and a compatibility patch.

Badcompany or Francis...I was going to implement something similar to what you have described in your BAIN install order in post #35...is there an easy way to explain (is this a wyre bash or tesedit thing - I am somewhat familar with tesedit) or tutorial in how to edit an esp? Ill look on a few of the oblivion wikis later tonight (got some RL issues to deal with shortly) but I did plan to add EVE and RMB to my RBP install...but it looks like Ill run into problems if I do similar to psymon.

Or I guess would it be too much to ask the EVE modders to have some kind of compatibility patches for EVE and RMB when using RBP too?
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 pm

It's a tes4edit thing, you just need to find the changes to the textures/meshes that Roberts/EVE kajiit fix introduce and copy them into RBP's esp
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:25 am

Chakka- I'm kinda confused as to what your question is. I think you wanna know who to edit the RBP esp to incorporate RMBv4, correct? if so then i think i'll quote Fran...
Look for the Race section in your RBP.esp and look to see which races are colored red (meaning they conflict).

Click on any conflicting race in order to view their stats on the right-hand window. Righ click the right hand window and click on "Hide No Conflict Row" (this will lessen your "scrolling" burden).

Find the specific conflicts between RBP, Robert's and TFF. (The only conflict should be in texture paths for body data)

Drag and drop (or copy and paste) the texture paths from Robert's and TFF into the RBP.esp. Repeat for all conflicting races.

Hit "Ctrl S" to save your new RBP plugin and close TES4Edit. Now you can delete Robert's and TFF.

Now, the highelfseamreducerfix will work as well as the better redguards compatibility.

FYI, if your an HGEC user, then load RBP, Roberts, and the Khajit Fix. Follow the same instructions for integrating the Khajit fix.

If this didn't make sense, I can try to PM you a more comprehensive guide, but it won't get much clearer than this.


Edit: The best way to learn, is to load your entire load list and your Bashed Patch in TES4Edit, and scan every plugin for incompatibilities. Try to drag-and-drop stuff to fix it, then start experimenting with some of the other functions, then even more experimentation. And remember, while your still a Novice, save conservatively and don't delete the backups TES4Edit makes.

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kirsty williams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 am


That mod requires that you have this mod and beautiful people has well installed..so perhaps you did not have all the required resources installed..looking things over to be sure..


Use TFF body has well so this is most likely why it does not work with eve itself..
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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:36 pm

Thanks for quoting me BadCompany :) .

You know, if we get one more person with problems like these I might just end up making de-isolated patches for using RBP with Robert's Male, EVE Khajiit Fix, TFF, etc. :lol:
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:47 pm

Thanks for quoting me BadCompany :) .

You know, if we get one more person with problems like these I might just end up making de-isolated patches for using RBP with Robert's Male, EVE Khajiit Fix, TFF, etc. :lol:

Already talking to Axil about this..in case we need them..for situation like above..rbp(cobl races) with rmb, eve, tff(which is another body mod so it will not work with eve per say) + better beast changes, etc..just too many variables that could break eve itself when it comes to races and what works and what does not work..

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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:53 pm

TFF and EVE do exactly teh same thing so there's no way they will be compatible

Beautiful People as it is has so many issues of it's own that I'm loath to open that can of worms (btw EVE only clashes with BP with the kajitt fix)

Eve only clashes with RBP regarding the Kajitt fix - you can either copy the EVE edit into the RBP esp (as you suggested) or just don't use the EVE_Kajiit esp

As for Roberts Male - It doesn't actually clash with EVE or it shouldn't - if it does then it's actually the Robert esp that has the real issues as it's editing rather a lot or texture setting (again it's something that's easily sorted in TES4Edit
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