[RELZ] EVEHGEC: Eyecandy Variants Expansion [RELZ]

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 am

Lastest Fixes - EyecandyVariantsixpansionOOO has been updated to 1.2 to fix missing battlemage armor boots..If you have previously downloaded V1.0 there, redownload eve OOO version 1.2, fcom.esp updated has well..BAIN Install uploaded has well


From Project EVE TEAM:

The Long Awaited EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion has been released for Public Testing..

Vanilla/SI/Knights/ Armamentarium/OOO/Frans/MMM (FCOM minus bobs and warcry) Support..see post below..

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078 - omod only..you will find EVE for Arma, Frans, OOO, MMM has well posted here..

Pics of body choices.. more Pics at tesnexus, please feel free to add your own..




The Eyecandy Variants Expansion (EVE) HGEC Body Selector and Stock Equipment Replacer replaces the original female clothing and armor files for vanilla Oblivion with versions conformed to several variations on the HGEC female body created by RAIAR (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15802), which is itself based on the original Exnem's Eyecandy body (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10171). The Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine are also supported by this pack, but not required. This mod is designed to be easy to install and as user-friendly as possible, but it is still a complex modification to a complex game. You are advised to read all instructions before proceeding. EVE supports the following body options:

Upper Body:
HGEC Normal E-Cup: This is the default upper body in the HGEC v1.1 pack, the Normal option, not the more muscular Fighter option.

HGEC Normal C-Cup: This is the alternate C-cup option for HGEC v1.1

HGEC EBE E-Cup: This is the Extra Buff Edition (EBE), a variation on HGEC v1.1 created by MadCat221. It is a more muscular version similar in build to the original Exnem body. EVE's creators decided to use this rather than the Fighter version of HGEC v1.1.

Lower Body:
HGEC Normal: This is the default lower body in the HGEC v1.1 pack

HGEC Wide: This variant has wider hips and a somewhat larger rear; in the pack of alternate lower bodies for HGEC, it is the LL option.

HGEC EBE: This is a more muscular lower body for use with the Extra Buff Edition upper body.

The E-Cup equipment conversions and all Lower Body conversions were primarily done by Grhys. The C-Cup conversions were done primarily by Sm0ken1nfin8. EVE is designed so that any combination of these options can be used. All of the necessary files to install these body replacers are included. If you already have the HGEC body installed, or are using a variant of it that is not directly supported by EVE, you can install only the equipment replacer files. These conversions take a lot of time and effort, so we cannot provide direct support for every variation on the HGEC body that is out there. Hopefully you can find an option that is reasonably close to your preferred body. If, for example, you use the HGEC D-Cup version, you might install either the Normal E-Cup or Normal C-Cup equipment, depending on your preference.

Both an OMOD version and a manual installation version are available. The OMOD is designed to allow the user to easily change which body options are installed. It also makes uninstalling EVE much simpler. This is the suggested installation. The manual install is for users who do not care to use OMODs and/or who know exactly which options they want and do not see themselves changing their minds very often. Both contain the following plugin files:

Main Plugin:

In vanilla Oblivion, several armor and clothing sets do not have distinct female meshes for every item (particularly cuirasses). Males and females use the same 3D model. The Steel cuirass is the perfect example. EVE adds distinct female versions for many items, and this plugin must be active for those to work. In general, it should probably go toward the end of your load order. Some mods (like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) change the statistics of many vanilla items and will conflict with this plugin. We will be providing support of OOO, but for other mods, this file contains a {{BASH:Graphics}} tag in its description so that you can use Wrye Bash to make a Bashed Plugin that combines the changes in this file with changes in other mods. If you are doing this, EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp should load before any conflicting mods. For more information of Wrye Bash and why you should be using it, visit its website (http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye Bash.html).

Optional Plugins:

This adds a distinct female version of the Armor of the Crusader in the Knights of the Nine mod. It should load after Knights.esp and (if you are using the Unofficial Mod Patch) after Knights_Unofficial Patch.esp The only potential conflicts are with other mods that alter Knights of the Nine, and those are relatively rare.

There is a bug in Oblivion with the texture paths for the Khajiit race. By default, the males and females use the same texture for their feet. Normally, this is okay, but it causes texture problems with most body mods. If you are already using HGEC or Exnem's Eyecandy body, you probably already have some fix for this. This plugin is mainly for those who are entirly new to this. It also includes a {{BASH:Body-F}} tag in the description for use with Wrye Bash, as this will conflict with other plugins that alter race information (Beautiful People, Elaborate Eyes, Ren's Hair, Corean Hair, Robert's Male Body, etc.)

This is a holdover from the Exnem Stock Clothing and Armor Replacer by Grhys. EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp makes Thadon's Robe, Syl's Dress, and Haskill's Suit playable and adds female versions of the Thadon and Haskill outfits. Unfortunately, you cannot acquire Thadon's Robe or Haskill's Suit in regular play, and Syl's Dress may not be available depending on which quest branch you follow in Shivering Isles. This plugin hides these three items in the Shivering Isles. You can just play and possibly stumble upon them yourself, or you can scroll to the bottom of this file for directions to them.

OMOD Installation
1. Copy OMOD file to (install folder)\Oblivion\obmm\omod\. If you are currently using any custom body mods or equipment replacer packs, make sure you have a backup copy. EVE may overwrite them, depending on which options you install.

2. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.

3. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen.

4. The mod will decompress. Be patient.

5. The mod will ask if you want body textures installed. If you are already using HGEC, you will probably want to choose 'No.' The textures included in EVE come from Exnem's original mod and an older hi-rez pack by Gizmo (resized to the same resolution as Exnem's). They are not the best available by far, but if you are new to body mods they will suffice. There are far better packs on TESNexus and other mod sites.

6. You will be prompted to choose an upper body from the three available options, either with or without underwear. Based on this choice, the mod will install the corresponding clothing and armor files. You can also choose not to install an upper body, should you want to use a version of HGEC that isn't directly supported by EVE, the D-Cup for example. In this case, you will be prompted to choose which replacer set you want for the clothing and armor. You will most likely want to pick the option most similar to the upper body you are using.

6a. Special Note: If you select either C-Cup option, you will receive a second prompt, asking if you wish to use optional Dermal Exposure meshes. In the E-Cup options, there are a few meshes (see Details below for a full list) that have been further modified to expose the shoulders, a little bit more cleavage, etc. Nothing racy, really, we just wanted to show off the HGEC body a little better. Sm0ken1nfin8 wanted these to be optional for his C-Cup replacer. Choose 'Yes' if you want to see a tiny bit more skin. Choose 'No' to use the meshes that are closer to vanilla Oblivion.

7. You will be prompted to choose a lower body. It works the same way.

8. The mod will finish installing. EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp will be added to your plugin list and activated. The optional plugin files will not be active by default. Activate the ones you need and adjust load order as necessary.

9. The icon beside the mod should now be blue. Congratulations, the mod is installed.

Notes: If you already have a female body mod or body mod related files (textures, etc.) installed as OMODs, you do not have to deactivate them before installing EVE. You can choose to install only the Equipment replacers, or you can let EVE overwrite the other mods if you want to use body files or textures from this mod.

OMOD Uninstall
1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.
2. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen,
click Yes. The icon should turn green.

Manual Installation
1. Extract the manual installation archive into a temporary location

2. Copy the plugin files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\

3. Copy the folder Textures\ to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\ You will need these regardless of the choices you make next.

4. If you wish to install body textures, open the folder Body Textures\ Inside you will see a folder called Textures\ Copy this to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\

5. If you wish to install a female upper body or lower body provided in this pack, open its folder (Upperbody HGEC EBE E-Cup Underwear\ for example) and copy the Meshes\ folder inside to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\

6. To install equipment replacer files, open the folder for upper body option you want (Equipment Replacer Upperbody HGEC EBE E-Cup\ for example) and copy the Meshes\ folder inside to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\ Now decide on a lower body option, open the appropriate folder, and copy the Meshes\ folder contained within to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\

6a. If you use the Normal C-Cup equipment replacer and wish to install the Dermal Exposure files (see OMOD install above for details) open the folder Equipment Replacer Upperbody HGEC Normal C-Cup Alt\ Copy the Meshes\ folder inside to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\

7. Start Oblivion Mod Manager or, if you don't use OBMM, start the Oblivion launcher and click Data Files. Activate EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp and any optional plugins you wish to use. Adjust load order as necessary. Congratulations, the mod is installed.

Manual Uninstall
To manually uninstall this mod, you will have to delete the files it added to your (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\ folder manually. At this point, you may seriously ask yourself why you did not install it as an OMOD.

--For the most part, the replacer pack installs new meshes that override the old Bethesda female meshes. Some equipment had no distinct female version (male and female use the same mesh file), so a plugin must be used to add one.

EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp adds distinct female versions to the following items (other misc changes also listed):

Blackwood Armor: cuirass, boots
Blades Armor: boots, gauntlets
Dwarven Armor: cuirass, boots, gauntlets
Glass Armor: boots, gauntlets
Imperial Palace Armor: cuirass (that's all there is), made playable
Imperial Watch Armor: cuirass, greaves, boots, made playable
Legion Armor: boots
Imperial Dragon Armor: cuirass, boots
Mithril Armor: boots
Steel Armor: cuirass, boots
Monk Robe: robe
White Monk Robe: robe
White Mage Robe: robe, shoes
Wrist Irons: gauntlets
Priest of Order Robe: robe
Zealot Robe: robe
Thadon's Robe: robe, made playable, added ground mesh and icon
Syl's Dress: made playable, added ground mesh and icon
Haskill's Suit: suit, made playable, added ground mesh and icon

EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp adds distinct female versions to the following items

Armor of the Crusader: cuirass, boots, helmet

--The Dermal Exposure option affects the following items for the C-Cup replacer:

Huntsman Vest (lowerclass3\)
Quilted Doublet (middleclass2\)
Blue & Green Outfit (middleclass3\)
Burgundy Linen Shirt (middleclass4\)
Black & Burgundy Outfit (upperclass2\)
Blue Velvet Outfit (upperclass3\)
Red Velvet Outfit (upperclass5\)
Sheogorath's Regalia

--Some UV errors have been corrected on the heavy Arena Champion raiment. Previously, all of the Arena raiments used the same mesh, same UVMap, just different textures. Because of these corrections, the heavy Champion mesh file (Data\Meshes\Armor\Champion\f\cuirass.nif) is now distinct from the other Arena raiments' mesh files.

This mod is not compatible with other mods that replace the female clothing or armor from vanilla Oblivion, Shivering Isles, or Knights of the Nine.

It is compatible with Robert's Male Body and should be fully compatible with any mods that replace the male clothing and armor for use with Robert's. If you are using Robert's and EVE_KhajiitFix.esp, you will need to use Wrye Bash to combine the changes they make.

If you attempt to use these equipment replacer files with female body mods not based on Exnem's or HGEC, you will see texturing issues on any exposed skin. As mentioned above, any mod that alters the statistics of the vanilla Oblivion equipment will probably conflict with EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp. We will be providing support for Oscuro's Obilivion Overhaul, the most prominent example of such a mod.

This mod is fully compatible with the Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3.2.0, Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch v1.4.0, and Unofficial Mod Patch (fifteenth release). The fixes provided by these patches are integrated into the plugin files and meshes of EVE. The only fix that is nullified by this mod is the change in various robes so that they share a normal map file, thus reducing memory usage when several of these robes are in memory at the same time. If this is important to you and you know what you are doing, you can change the meshes provided by EVE in NifSkope to use the UOP textures.

Known Issues or Bugs
Unsightly clipping between meshes should be no worse than in vanilla Oblivion, and in most cases is far less of a problem.

Most of these meshes were made in Blender. Because of the way it handles mesh normals, there will be a more noticeable seam between exposed flesh on equipment and other body parts, most noticeably at the neck seam. This is a minor issue. It may be addressed at a later date, but it should not hinder your enjoyment of this mod much at all.

1.0 Initial Public Release
0.9 Beta release for the forum

You can leave any questions or comments on this file's page at TESNexus (http://www.tesnexus.com) or Bethesda Game Forums Obilivon Mods EVE thread for Offical Support

All those from the TES Eyecandy Forum who contributed to this project:

Axil: support for major overhaul mods like OOO, MMM, and Frans
Corepcmmp: plugin files
Grhys: meshes, scripting, plugin files, readme
Gudwyn: scripting
MadCat221: meshes, EBE body
Morphan: meshes
Sm0ken1nfin8: meshes, plugin files
Zinni: coming up with the name for this project

Thanks also to the forum community which provided much needed support, testing, and patience throughout. This project has taken much longer than any of us anticipated or wanted, but it has been worth it.

Thanks to Exnem for the original Eyecandy Body
Thanks to RAIAR for the HGEC Body
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion and leaving it so open to user creativity.
Thanks to TESNexus.com for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.

Tools Used
Blender - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12248
GIMP - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14920
NIFSkope - http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope
Oblivion Mod Manager - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097
TES4Edit - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11536
TES Construction Set - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11367
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp

You can use resources from this mod without asking for permission, but we ask in return is that you give credit where it is due. Do not redistribute this mod.

--Thadon's Robe:
In Highcross, Bruscus Dammus' House, look for a chest in the upstairs storeroom.

--Syl's Dress:
In Deepwallow, at the northwest corner of the village is a large mushroom tree growing over a destroyed pier. Swim down under the tree and look for an urn.

--Haskill's Suit:
In Crucible, Caldana Monrious' House Upstairs, look for a crate.


Thank and Enjoy from the Project EVE team (See Credits above)..

EVE Mods Load Order and Bash Patch,

Rules for EVE MODS

Rule 1) Never Use more than one stock_equipmentreplacer at one time..Because Each EVE Mod Contains it own specificly designed eve_stockequipmentreplacer{Whatever}.esp, you should never have more than one of these esp loaded at one time.

So If 1) using MMM, use MMMversion, 2) if using OOO use OOO version, 3) if using fcom use fcom version. Else read on please..

All EVE mods are tagged has graphics so if using bash patched make sure that it is checked off in graphics section of bash patch itself when building.
EVE mods can be merged unless noted below in bash patched. So if say nomerge means not to mark has mergable.

EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp should load after unofficial obivion patch and unofficial shivering isle patch, this can be merged in bash patched

Armamentarium Complete - Use EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, load after uop/usip/, and ArmamentariumFemale.esp must be actived if not using bash. If using bash then it can be merged. and will be active in bashed patch itself.

Francesco Leveled Creatures Mod - Use EVE_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, load after uop/usip, and use FransFemale.esp must be active if not use bash once again. If using bash then it can be merged, and will be active in bashed patch itself.

Martigen Monster Mod - Do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, instead use eve_stockequipmentreplacer4MMM.esp instead. Load after MMM.esp In order load order. To see most of MMM EVE armor you must be using Hunting and Crafting. One of the few EVE replacers for the Player. Since H&C armor is not added to npc (yet). the stock_equipmentreplacer4mmm.esp includes all changes that where need to make compatible with with MMM aka: stats, prices, enchantments, etc anything else that MMM changed on armor. (bash: graphics)

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul - Do not use eve_stockequipmenterplacer.esp, use the stock equipmentreplacer for OOO.esp, load after OOO.esp . Includes all changes that where need to make vanilla/si/ compatible with OOO stats, scripts, names changes, etc. Along with all the OOO armor that needed pointing to female counterparts. This Requires OOO.esm in order to work so that if you equip certain armor you can wear the cape at the same time.
(bash: graphics) can be merged.

MMMforOOO config - use the fcom version below. and load after MMMforOOO.esp in load order. Make sure to have EVE vanilla/ OOO/MMM resources installed has well

FCOM - First do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, Use the eve_stockequipmentreplacer4FCOM.esp which is a cobmination of both of the MMM/OOO esp from above. Since most of the changes in the esp came from OOO. This plugin is almost virutally the same has that. expect with a few small minor changes here for fcom names on armor, stats, prices, enchantment, along with MMM stuff has well. Since FCOM itself a combination of Mods aka Frans Cry OOO MMM (Arma)..you need to load these esp alongside the eve_stockequipmentreplacer4fcom.esp like so.

1) FransFemale.esp load after Frans file in load order
2) EVE_stockequipmentreplacer4fcom.esp load this after FCOM_Converge.esp in load order..
3) If using Armamentarium place ArmamentariumFemale.esp where other arma files are located at.

So Once again ..Do not use eve_stockequipmentreplacer.esp, instead use eve_stockequipmenterplacer4fcom.esp , load after fcom.esp itself, along with fransfemale.esp, along with armentariumfemale.esp if using that has well. FCOM requires bash patched so check merge and graphics section and make sure these are checked off has needed. else contains all the changes need to make it compabitle with ooo/mmm.

Knights of Nine esp

EVE_Knights.esp should load after knights.esp, knights unofficial patch.esp, but before fcom_knights, mmm_knights..

Race Fixes

EVE_Khajiitfix.esp should load where you have other race mods. If using other race mod that modify khajiit..aka RBP or COBL races you must use bash, no if and or butts about it. It will crash if using a race mod that modifies khajiit. make sure it is checked off in races section of bashed patch and it merge patch section has well. (bash:races)

Shiveing Isle

EVE_ShivernigIsleEasterEggs.esp - This is world moddifcation so it can load almost anywhere since adds location's where you can find some si clothing, so it cannot be merged in bashed patch. esle full eve si support is built into each esp..

Enjoy Everyone
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:03 pm

From Last thread for eve team to look into..

Sorry if its been said and I missed it...what exaclty do I need to mess around with to get the arms of the outfit Palonyria is wearing to show up in first person mode? As of right now thats the only set of arms on any of the clothing Ive tried thats invisible.

Thanks again :)

Ahh ok more info....

I use the normal C upper body from eve and my current character is a cute elf. I can try the article of clothing on any female race though and the arms still dont show up, just a set of hands in first person mode.

Ooops sorry didnt know there were multiple Cute elf mods. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16120 is the one I happen to be using.

I think Ive tried every single combination of installing/uninstalling, activating/deactivating with said race mod and eve itself, but as it sits atm I have eve installed last just for these troubleshooting purposes.

Issue is fixed with EVEUpperShirt04CcupFix posted on tesnexus now..
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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:43 am

I've had a quick look at the curte elves mod and I can't figure it out at. All i can think of is that the exnem texture pack for the cute elves has either not been installed or is installed wrong. I can remember a similar thing being reported with another race mod a long time ago but can't remember what the cause was

Maybe someone else can remember
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:17 am

I keep getting pink skin textures (missing) with the high and dark elves - not sure why?

Is there an install order when using these in relation to skin textures?

I opted to not use the one in these packages.

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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 am

the dark elves have their own textures in vanilla so you'll have to install an exnem/HGEC set (the texture path is the same) texture/characters/darkelf (if i remember)

As for High elves - by any chance are you using RBP?
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:16 am

I keep getting pink skin textures (missing) with the high and dark elves - not sure why?

Is there an install order when using these in relation to skin textures?

I opted to not use the one in these packages.


I installed eve first with body textures (which includes dark elf) ,

then installed cobl races (rbp lite) or rbp after then installed optionial exnem's meshes that comes with that.. and I have no problems..
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Connor Wing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:11 pm

If you are going to download this mod, make sure you have either downloaded Exnems body, or the HGEC body. You will be linked to the correct textures that will fit the UV map on these HGEC Meshes. The HGEC also known as Hentai gentlemans eyecandy, and the Exnem body have the same UV map, which is the texture map that places the texture around the mesh accordinly. If you are using textures that were not created for the HGEC and Exnem UV map, then your textures will appear as a mess on all of these meshes and you will have to replace the textures in the

Data/textures/characters/(Imperial, darkelf, kajhit, orc, argonain "depends which race your changing the texture for")female, "directory" a common name for the texture should be ("footfemale" or "HandFemale", both textures should be replaced with hgec or exnem textures.

The default oblivion textures will not work on these meshes as the textures were written different for the default oblivion UV map.

Since I can not link advlt content on this site I suggest you check the top 10 on Tesnexus.com for the HGEC Body uploaded by HellKnight.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 am

If you are going to download this mod, make sure you have either downloaded Exnems body, or the HGEC body. You will be linked to the correct textures that will fit the UV map on these HGEC Meshes.

I thought the Textures are already from section five of omod install..

5. The mod will ask if you want body textures installed. If you are already using HGEC, you will probably want to choose 'No.' The textures included in EVE come from Exnem's original mod and an older hi-rez pack by Gizmo (resized to the same resolution as Exnem's). They are not the best available by far, but if you are new to body mods they will suffice. There are far better packs on TESNexus and other mod sites.

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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 pm

All i can think of is that the exnem texture pack for the cute elves has either not been installed or is installed wrong.

I can assure you, it is installed and installed correctly. when I disable the pack my entire body turns pink(save the undies) as would be expected when something isnt installed or installed properly. I regress on the issue though, this will just be one article of clothing I simply wont use, not an incredible loss but it is one of my favorite vanilla outfits.

Oh and on another note after completing the mages guild quest line and having invisible boots/feet when I put on the arch-mage gear all the while having every updated plugin and resource installed I ended up having to go into the CS and change the female biped model from ARMOR\JAVRMB\F\BOOTS.nif(which didnt actually exist) to ARMOR\JAVRMB\F\JAVRMBBT01.nif(the only thing in that folder) to get them to show up.

Thanks again for all your hard work lads, take care :)
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:22 pm

Quick update for you Core since this has been bugging me enough to mess with today :)

I had only been installing/uninstalling the normal C package till now so I decided to do some experimenting with the other types. Well let me tell you I didnt get far. I uninstalled the C and tried the normal H package and then loaded my game and low and behold there were sleeves to the shirt in question while in first person mode. Next I promptly exited the game and uninstalled the normal H package and went back to the normal C. The sleeves were again missing, on both undies and nvde versions. As you might guess next I tried the EBE version and the arms were visible just as with the normal H package. Wether I choose to overwrite or not seems to be irrelevant to the outcome, there is definately something amiss with the normal C version of that shirt as the problem isnt isolated to the Cute elf race but rather any race I create and skip the dungeon to go try on clothing(well...the upper class red blouse) with.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 am

Quick update for you Core since this has been bugging me enough to mess with today :)

there is definately something amiss with the normal C version of that shirt as the problem isnt isolated to the Cute elf race but rather any race I create and skip the dungeon to go try on clothing(well...the upper class red blouse) with.

Thank for you doing all the test to find the problem for sure, now we know what was causing the problem..it is c cup version that is borked and not the other's..too bad because I use c cup has well..I will let the eve team know..

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:04 pm

I can assure you, it is installed and installed correctly. when I disable the pack my entire body turns pink(save the undies) as would be expected when something isnt installed or installed properly. I regress on the issue though, this will just be one article of clothing I simply wont use, not an incredible loss but it is one of my favorite vanilla outfits.

Oh and on another note after completing the mages guild quest line and having invisible boots/feet when I put on the arch-mage gear all the while having every updated plugin and resource installed I ended up having to go into the CS and change the female biped model from ARMOR\JAVRMB\F\BOOTS.nif(which didnt actually exist) to ARMOR\JAVRMB\F\JAVRMBBT01.nif(the only thing in that folder) to get them to show up.

Thanks again for all your hard work lads, take care :)

That should be fixed in the lastest OOO update - can you check this that and let us know if it is
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:34 am

Anyone remember what the palomira dress mesh is called (teh one taht appears to have an issue) as I may have an alternative of that mesh for the C-Cup that i can upload
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:03 am

Anyone remember what the palomira dress mesh is called (teh one taht appears to have an issue) as I may have an alternative of that mesh for the C-Cup that i can upload

UpperShirt 04 is shirt in question I believe..Palonyria is a vanilla npc that is wearing that shirt..let me make a cheat chest reall quick to verify that is there is a problem with that shirt in c cup format..
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 am

ok can you test it out by replacing that mesh with the nif in the download

http://www.4shared.com/file/105351749/7f916a6a/shirt.html -if it works can you upload it as a patch onto the EVE page
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:09 am

Will report back in a minute..
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City Swagga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:33 pm

ok can you test it out by replacing that mesh with the nif in the download

http://www.4shared.com/file/105351749/7f916a6a/shirt.html -if it works can you upload it as a patch onto the EVE page

Will report back in a minute..

Yep that fixes Upper Shirt 04 C Cup..works in first person now..

Tesnexus updated with http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/download.php?id=42342
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:39 am

That should be fixed in the lastest OOO update - can you check this that and let us know if it is

Ok this morning I uninstalled/reinstalled the EVE for OOO 1.2 package and after I opened the CS and took a look at that plugin and the biped model is still looking for the ARMOR\JAVRMB\F\BOOTS.nif instead of the ARMOR\JAVRMB\F\JAVRMBBT01.nif that is actually there. Checked it out in game too to make sure my eyes werent playing tricks on me....invisible feet still.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:08 am

Well that doesn't make sense as I've just opened the esp myself and it is pointing to ARMOR\JAVRMB\F\JAVRMBBT01.nif

I'll redownload the package and have a look

Anyone else getting this?

For the moment for a quick fix in the old file section you should see an esp only download marked archmage boots fix - just replace the current esp you have installed with that one and that should fix things

EDIT - UPLOADING V1.3 of the OOO replacer in OMOD form - hopefully this fixes the issue - I haven't had a chance to test though (pretty late here )

Can someone look at the BAIN version of 1.2 to see if that has the same issue as BBC357 has reported
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

Great mod!
But ?s the E-cup EBE variant compatible with this? -> Moderator: No links to advlt mods, not even with a disclaimer. Search for "High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC" if you want to answer.
Edit: Disclaimer
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:37 pm

Great mod!
But ?s the E-cup EBE variant compatible with this?

Yes, it works.
(Technically linking to that is against the rules... <_<)
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:33 am

Yes, it works.
(Technically linking to that is against the rules... <_<)

Okay i added a disclaimer.
Strange american sense of morality: mutilating somebody in a game - good,
[censored] - THIS A WORK OF SATAN!!

Edit: oooh! autocensor?!
The censored word is the "female baby-feeding organs" (my english is a bit rusty).
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 pm

Okay i added a disclaimer.
Strange american sense of morality: mutilating somebody in a game - good,
[censored] - THIS A WORK OF SATAN!!

Edit: oooh! autocensor?!
The censored word is the "female baby-feeding organs" (my english is a bit rusty).

Hey, we think you guys are strange, so its all good now. :P
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:17 pm


With FCOM, which of the following should be active?

EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer for OOO.esp

(I've merged them into the Bashed patch.)
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Kelly James
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am


With FCOM, which of the following should be active?

Read the first post at the very bottom it explains everything..read very carefully...
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Mark Hepworth
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