I'm looking into the lockpickingmenu flash to see if I can change the display of the Lockpicking skill tree to the Pickpocketing skill tree because of Perkus Maximus, but I've reached a dead end. There's
function SetLockInfo(): Void{InfoRect_mc.SkillLevelCurrent.SetText(arguments[0]);InfoRect_mc.SkillLevelNext.SetText(arguments[1]);InfoRect_mc.LevelMeterInstance.gotoAndStop("Pause");SkillMeter.SetPercent(arguments[2]);
in the actionscript but obviously the parameters are hidden in an arguments array and I can't find any call to the SetLockInfo() function in any other script in order to try and change those arguments. Is there some process between transitioning between the game world and the lockpicking menu that hasn't been discovered?