Two more pics from Lothran′s adventures around the Colovian Highlands
Lol. Those are great!
Buffy has grown into a very beautiful elf-woman! But I must say she looked very cute before too and when I think of her, that′s the image I get. Could you perhaps post a pick or two of young Buffy as well?
Thank you, and I understand.
I would ask that we not compare them, since I find doing so as difficult as choosing a favorite grandchild. Each version of Buffy has fully captivated me in her own way.
That said, version 3.0 included a complete restart of her game and we are reveling in rediscovery. Here, she stops for the night to take advantage of the hospitality offered by a small group of travelers:
As Buffy dropped a venison steak on the ground with the intent of placing it on the fire before sharing it, I was quite surprised to see one of her new friends scarf it up, sit down and go into the eating animation. What a fun and full of surprises game!