I've been playing for over a hundred hours and completed over a hundred quests, and just yesterday for the first time, I pulled a dual-wield finisher on a named-Dragon and the animation lasted 4 times longer than a typical finisher. It was quite awesome actually.
Have you guys been able to pull this off frequently or even at all?
Yep. Right after I got Dragonbane I used it on a dragon for the finishing blows. The animation was very cool, especially jumping on the dragon's head and slicing away.
i did and it was the most ridiculous thing ever. im still trying to figure out how i killed a dragon by sitting on it and wildly swinging my swords in the air over my head.
Most times when i'm feeling like it, i quicksave the game when the dragon is at 1% health, and reload until i get a finisher. Sadly, there's like 2 types of finishers for one-handed swords.
Maybe six or seven times. The animation for sword & shield leaves quite a bit to be desired IMO.
Yea, it doesn't exactly make sense. How does hacking away at a dragon's snout/mouth/eyes with a comparatively small sword kill it? You'd think it would just badly wound it and/or blind. I was hoping I'd dive under the dragon's belly and shove my sword into its heart, or stab (not slash) through the eye so that you break through the socket and hit the brain (if a dragon works like that). At the very least hack at its neck, not its nose and thick skull...
I always do when I'm in front and using my razor. Half of the time I use my bow. It finds a nice spot to land and then dies when it gets comfortable. It's a shame it doesn't crash land like in the trailer. or e3 preview.