» Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:58 pm
Let me say this: I have followed many games since Oblivion, and have been very disappointed by many of them. I just never felt satisfied by other games out there as much as by the Elder Scrolls.
This being said, I think I can say that I am looking forward to Skyrim more than any other game after Oblivion. And I think it's practically impossible for Skyrim to become a disappointment.
Let me give you two examples of games that disappointed me.
Mass Effect, I played and I was like at the end, 'This it it! This is what I wasted $60 on.' I was looking forward to exploring other planets, and they ended up being uninteresting and deserted of anything other than hostile lifeforms! I mean, where was the old Star Trek saying, 'To Seek Out New Life and Advanced Civilizations, To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before'. Yes, I know my Star Trek quote is a little bit off.
Then, there was Fable 2. I was expecting huge open areas to explore. Except for a few areas (which felt too small for my liking), most of the areas just felt too closed off to make interesting exploration.
Then, let's talk about a more recent disappointment, Two Worlds 2. I enjoyed the first one. But, in Two Worlds 2, you had two things that I didn't like: The limited exploration to the continent you were on at the beginning of the game AND the fact that most all dungeons were closed off/locked without the proper quest. It just kind of killed the immersion for me, you know.
Compared to these disappointments, Skyrim will be a breath of fresh air.