Skip ahead about 1 hour and I again thought to myself, what the hell was I thinking earlier. I couldn't have been more wrong. Not having a quest tracker or compass of any kind, and barely having a clue where I was half the time actually added to my enjoyment. It just took me some time to realize that. I honestly can't remember any game having such a tangible atmosphere to it. This is the most immersive game I've played. Oblivion and Skyrim may look better, but they are nowhere as immerisve as Morrowind, IMO. I can't stop playing. I LOVE this game and only wish I had taken a chance earlier. Every thing people have said about this game is true, and it is by FAR my favorite TES game. (Haven't played Arena or Daggerfall yet.) I'm looking forward to months, hell, maybe even years of enjoyment from this game. Quest markers and fast travel be damned. Morrowind deserves the time it requires. I can't wait to get lost again.