Maybe I am exaggerating, maybe not. Thing is, can you tell me that what I have been writing is not true? What all the reviews have been saying is not true? Can anyone here say: Brink is so balanced, not fast leveling, has a deep strategic map layout and has smart A.I.?
I never said I played the game. I just pressumed that all the reviews what they have in common is somewhat true.
Convince me it is not the case. If so, I will buy this game today and play it as much as I can.
Guys - Take a chill pill and breathe, re-read what hes written, and come to a he a troll? no.
Is he talking smack? No.....
Is he flaming or in anyway trying to provoke the community or antagonize us in anyway to make us think he works for IGN and wants his say in? no....
I know this community inside out and i know your all more better than this.
I think whats happening is a clear cut case of "Denial" - Something hard to believe, someone who cant fathom the truth.
Your all in denial to accept the fact that, lets face it - Brink has issues....There not good, but there not devastating either.
Trust me guys i know how it feels to have something you loathe - tore away from you by negativity that you feel it doesn't deserve, it makes you die a little inside.
But what he is saying, is true lol. Simple as.
All these reviews all have "some" things in common - going on the AI is terrible - The AI in this game was boasted to be so smart, you couldnt tell if there human...What they failed to mention is that the "human" they had in mind, sits in the corner of a white room svcking on thread from his sleeves.
They svck - Ive saw the vids... But that aside - fine.
The maps - They almost "Could" be bigger, more choke points, more flexibility and freedom to wander around.
SMART system - Its amazing, something new, all reviewers says the same, problem is - the maps are so close quartered, SMART isnt as affective as it should be, i can almost see SMART system not being used as much as it should be - other than sliding and the odd vault.
Co-op/single player..... The campaign apparently svcks...too a feeling that you almost feel "incomplete" by the time you get to the end, pondering that feeling off "What else?". Fine.
Lag - No point going into details.
My point is - This game was pushed up a week deliberately to get it out to the public quickly - wouldn't that imply that they were really under the impression "our work is done"...
Are they seing and playing the same game as us? With all these problems faults, and couldn't foresee this?...again - rushed out too quick.
The game needs optimized - stability must be restored, and i still think there should be a "better & easier" mechanic towards co-op / user friendly.
This game WILL need DLC to continue its saga as it does some what seem to lack.
But you know what - Ive done something half of you cant come to grasp...i admitted to myself that the game ive over hyped, longed and dreamed about since 2009 - Is not what ive expected it to be.
But you know what....I dont care.- and neither should any of you.
This game was made by a company who based there morales around "Multi-player" - Which almost NOONE seems to have done yet, all biased reviews are coming directly from an un-patched single player version of the game.
Give it 4 weeks - let it release, iron out problems, and i can see us having one of the best [censored] multi player fast action packed adrenalin experiences ever.
Im so sorry for ranting all of this, and Thank you for ever taking the time to read it - But it still comes down to facts.
And the OP is in no way wrong.
That doesnt mean this game will fail - It just simply needs what people dont have....patience.