I, myself am level 41 On the Xbox One and have completed 57% of the game. How about you?
I, myself am level 41 On the Xbox One and have completed 57% of the game. How about you?
Level 6 and only complete 3%. Of course I only started 2 days ago and I have a job and a family.
Level 22 about 20% in (I went nuts/got rich with building settlements).
That's your problem right there, I got rid of my job and family. it's called planning in advance.
Level 22 on PS4 ... Where do you view your game completion percentage?
I followed the main quest until I found the Brotherhood of Steel, started doing those then found the Railroad folks by accident. Also running through the Minutemen quest line .. trying to keep the progress all together as I move further south and east.
First playthrough? Stuck with the minutemen and didn't realize they're by far the weakest (least involved) faction outside of settlement building. They try to be the "good guys", but honestly, there's no good guys in this. 'Nor a "lone wolf" route, it seems. Which in unfortunate. End level was about 15. Main gripe is that they didn't even touch on the Brotherhood, unless I happened to have the leader with me to comment on it. Then it's just "Welp, they don't exist anymore".
Second playthrough, join Brotherhood. Stuck with them 'till near the end. Noticed I didn't get an option to "avoid certain slaughter" with another faction, perhaps because I hadn't joined them yet. Much more involved because they make you interact with other factions. Regardless, again, no "Do things your own way or play all sides against each other without picking a side". Same when I "defected" to the institute. I was playing a mole for the brotherhood then switched sides at the end after making a save point to do both ways. Playing the middle ground was fun, but a way to do it 'till the end without exposing yourself or playing them all against each other would have been better. End level was about 20. The "side stuff" just didn't grab my attention due to being less involved. 1 main city with 10 people with a smaller evil twin nearby and less overall dialog overall just doesn't grab me. 'Nor does the settlement building for the most part because there's no "high tech" version. Just always "junk tech".
Level 54, main quest and most side quests complete. Combing the wasteland for new content before taking a break and getting ready for a second playthrough.
Level 11 PC just over 12 hours (and where does it tell you how much of the game you've completed??)
29 here i just got to the point the BoS so i just join their rank to learn more about their future plans.
241 and 3/4 Just kidding if you cant tell...im actually lvl 38 and not sure of completion. I just like building stuff and upgrading my power armour
lvl 28 in 33 hours played. No idea who to know how far into the game I am but my guess is about half way give or take. Won't be finishing it anytime soon until we get a patch.
Level 66, and still haven't reached the Institute yet, though I have done basically every side quest and explored every single marked location.
Lvl 31 and 36%. Feels like I went way too fast and didn't experience enough of the factions, so starting a new playthrough soon.
Level 30 and still don't know what the inside of Diamond City looks like...
Soft Cap seems around 50, give or take. So kinda like Skyrim.