...*makes hand wobble motion* So long as they keep their mouths shut and don't demand more CoD crap. Um, errr.... welcome aboard!
Nothing wrong with it at all.
If some folk's priority in the past has been pew-pew and they get something with RPG and customisation layers,
then aren't they lucky?
The necessary lore understanding can pretty much be picked up in the intro:
So long as the FPS elements remain a well formed part of an open-world RPG, I'm fine with it.
Anybody is welcome, the only issue is if Bethesda caters to what people may have been playing before.
I play a wide variety of genres and I prefer them all in their own genre, I don't want them changing genre in a bid for more appeal.
As long as they don't complain about having to think about what you do and accepting consequences for your actions, and how hard it is to find your way when you're not funneled through pre-set levels, it's all good.
I feel like you just Cliff Noted the series like a pro.
If I'm honest I think that there are going to be a few disappointed people come release. I think that the lack of gameplay on offer has meant that, right now before release, everyone has a version of this game in their head that is just perfect - it's their game and it plays exactly as they want it to. I think that it will be impossible to meet everyone's expectations.
I, for example, discovered something about holstering weapons today that I would have considered inconceivable before, not even the marketing material released thus far contradicted my expectation. Up until now I think most threads have been pretty sanguine, but once the game has released I've got a feeling there's going to be an uptick in 48pt.
Edit: Oops, I think I misunderstood your OP, OP. I think that new people to the game will be blown away by it.
Great thing about the Fallout series is that it actually has not only vast but interesting Lore, unlike Call of Doodie (pardon my french).
So anyone can get into it, plus this helps...
I was thinking of the 'Call of Dooty' audience
(unfair I know.... probably... )
They're the type of people that Bethesda are increasingly catering to, so i'm not surprised that they take a fancy to post apocalyptic CoD and the dragon game that reminds them of Return Of The King.
The way I see it...You like what you see? You got money to spend? You got the platform to play it? Go for it. Don't matter if you an old school Fallout fan or fresh off the boat.
I have mixed feelings about the people who are jumping on the bandwagon, part of me says great the more the merrier. Another part of me wants to kick someone in the throat when they try to act as if they know the lore of the game when they don't. I'm all for new players to the franchise even those who aren't usually RPG players but when they start making demands to cater to their non RPG needs it really gets to me. You can't jump on a series that's new to you and start demanding changes to things that have been a staple to that series for nearly two decades. Then there are the simply annoying gamers who try to talk to you like Fallout is some obscure new entity that popped up out of nowhere.
Either way the truth of the matter is that a lot of the people who jump on the bandwagon will fall off straight away when they realise Fallout 4 isn't the game they thought it was, not the bro-shooter or yearly sports game they're used to. The few that do stick with it will fit right in very quickly so it shouldn't really be an issue.
How can this even be an issue? My dad, who is no gamer, started playing MGS 5 when he went into retirement. He has no clue about the lore or previous games in the MGS saga. He still plays the hell out of MGS 5. And he loves every moment of it. He has also pre-ordered Fallout 4. Why? Because he thinks it looks cool.
Thats pretty elitist of you to say buddy. I would ask you to get of your high horse. I know people who like Fifa and Fallout.
I didn't mean it in any bad way, Battlefield 4 is my most played game this year so I have no doubt you can like other games like online FPS and games like Fifa, my point was that the average player of those games particularly Fifa don't have nearly as much interest in other games as other people. My point is that many people who don't know much about Fallout who Pre-ordered based on hype probably won't stick around for long because for a lot of people they may not like what Fallout is, they prefer other games like the ones I've mentioned and others. That doesn't make them inferior in any way it just means they have different tastes and that they may have pre-ordered a game like Fallout without properly understanding what it is.
What is wrong with more revenue for BGS and its publisher? Maybe they can use the extra money and invest it in a new engine for TES VI. If the worry is that it will somehow change the design of future games, that's already happening. It's inevitable that games will evolve or devolve, depending on one's point of view.