» Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:02 pm
Battlemage Khajiit here! (Funny how that works. You'd think a Khajiit would do something stealthy before going warrior OR mage.)
I usually go with destruction magic/Mace (or whatever my best 1-h is.) Planning on getting some kind of good freezing damage worked into that so I can stun from afar and then go in for heavy damage. Occasionally switch out for healing, and for questing I love the Clairvoyance spell under illusion (keeps me focused on the task at hand, I get distracted easily.) Might toy around with other classes, but probably not with perks. I do a little stealth to give me an edge on combat, but have no problem tanking it out when I'm caught. The combination gives me a nice advantage over enemy resistances I think.
Had heavy armor at beginning of game (but no perks in that,) switching to light as soon as I find some good light armor. I just hope that it has satisfactory defense. I'm really on the fence about this one.
It might not be the most ideal build, but it's fun for me.
It's a also change for me. My RPG characters are usually berserker-style pure melee, 2-H and optimized for speed. I need some kind of defense, as I just don't like playing glass cannons -- a flaw mages generally fall victim to in RPGs. But Skyrim is one of the very few games I've played that won't punish me for using magic while wearing armor (and good for them, I never understood this handicap!) I think that's beyond awesome.
No hate on the stealthy, roguish players, though. I was considering this for one of my next builds. A lot of people just like this style of character, I think because warriors and mages are both very "classic" and stealth-mode gaming is a little newer to the scene. It's even some what of a fad. It happens to work very well in Skyrim. Not to mention, it's better to use a stealthy character to sneak into a house for a quest than to slay half of the city guard with your warrior tank.
Not 100% sure yet how I'll do my perks. Smithing stuff for sure. a lot of 1H perks, probably some armor perks when I figure out which I'll be using. Restoration, probably destruction. A few sneaking ones might help for those shady quests. Very tough choices to be made. I wish I had more points!