» Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:28 am
I started off planning to be an assassin. But now I'm practically just a hunter, I'm more interested in running fast to keep up with my pray as animals run even if you sneak. Wearing forsword head dress, gauntlets and boots with the fur armour that's topless. Wood elf, quite muscley. Tends to be light armour - dual wields daggers or swords for melee, no mind for defence because as a hunter his focus is offense. There's more to every character than their combat approach. As a hunter he uses hunter skills to fight his enemies.
When he went on the dragonborn quests though he has become more of a warrior, his sword weilding has become one of his primary fighting styles. Two swords, a falmer sword and a forsword sword, both enchanted with frost damage. It adds up to like 50 points of damage when I get a two weapon strike. He now wears elven armour, a dwarven helm ([censored] awesome helm!) and his forsword gauntlets and boots still.