this is just to put all the information at the top of a thread. I'm pretty sure most of the info is out but it's scattered throughout various threads and none of it is in the first post. The spoilers are mostly speculation but if i'm correct and your the kind of guy who hates spoilers than you'll want to skip them. Thanks to "Fearless Hero" for the pics
link to the video
The bridge in the background at the start of the video is most likely the bridge to "Windhelm" (top right, to the south of the city)
There is a guard post at the bottom of the picture so this is definitely near a city
At 0:34 you can see a concept of Orc armor and a map of skyrim (with the city's removed).
Near Windhelm (top right) you can see the word "rebels" and then at Solitude (top left) you can see the word empire, suggesting that these are the two centers of the civil war conflict.
To the right you can see an Orc in orc armor. You can also see a face on the left side of the concept. Below the Orc on the right you can see concept art of a walrus like animal (notice the "arf" written above it's head) and another animal to it's left (maybe a male walrus).They resemble horkers from bloodmoon.
at 1:00 you see several concept arts for the town "Riften." This appears to be the fishery in Riften as there is a note that reads
"Riften Fishery
Proccessing areas
advlt pond
Gutting tables"
Riften sits on a river which runs all the way up to Windhelm. This is definitely an open city as it has rivers running through town and it goes out to the river. You can expect the buildings to resemble Thirsk in it's architecture.
at 1:03 we see a man holding a halberd, this pretty much confirms that halberds will be in the game as there are several concept arts of people holding them. Also to the left We see a rainy town, it carefully drawn to accentuate the rains effect on the city (leading me to believe that rain will actually have a visual effect on the textures). There is also a windmill in the back suggesting some kind of irrigation is going on.
possible spoiler regarding the start of the game (read at your own risk :toughninja: )
at 2:33 we see the words "The executioner" at the bottom of the page. This is actually the image from 1:03. We can tell by his halberd and helmet. This may be the same executioner who is going to end our life at the beginning of the game.
at 1:16 we see a concept of Elven armor and an Elven mace (note the man's beard and his middle finger :tongue: ).
at 1:19 we see a picture of bandit armor for a female confirming separate armor for different sixes. Also early in the video you can see the male equivalent of this armor however it is not clear at all but you can make out the words bandit armor. Also note that she is wielding a flaming arrow.
at 1:38 we see a female in armor I don't believe that this is female elven armor as there is a photo in the GI mag that has a male in similar armor. You can also see a faded out halberd in her hand further increasing the likelihood of halberds.
possible spoiler regarding the start of the main quest
big speculation but at 1:44 we see a picture of a prisoner, we already know that at the beginning of the game we see our self getting executed (don't really know how that works, I think it's an error in translation) and this may be a concept of a nord character at that stage. However there is breath coming out of his mouth, this may just be warm air or may be our character using a dragon shout to rescue himself from being executed. They said that at the beginning of the game your character is starting to realize that he might be a dragonborne so this would work. But it's probably not lol
at 2:12 we see the whole wall and over to the far left we can see art of what appears to be a lion. There is also art of some sort of mountain lion animal below and to the right of the lion.
at 2:16 we see concept art of an argonian. He is to the far left and has a sword on his back a dagger at his side and a staff in his hand. This may be how armor is hung in the new game or it may represent the certain loadouts he has hotkey'd. Of course it's more than likely just aesthetic for the concept art.
at 2:33 we see a concept of a dungeon area in the top left. There are two white animals in the shot, one in the back and one by the pole.
at 2:39 we can see concept art of a giant ant, so there will be ants along with spiders (most likely)
That's all i got, there is some other stuff in there but if you have eyes you've already seen it so I just put up some of the special stuff. Let me know if you find anything else hidden inside the video
I love anolyzing stuff like this the more i find out the more excited I get about the game!