Actually having friends "conforting" widow(er) isn't really uncommon.
Actually having friends "conforting" widow(er) isn't really uncommon.
No, but Im more thinking that he doesnt know if she is gone. If shes dead and he knows there is closure, if he doesnt know then there is always that hope/wonder.
Really its just a game though, and I dont wanna miss out on Taylors voice acting if there is a chance that the wife is still alive.
I just wonder if we'll find our long lost spouse alive at some point during the game . Awkward! My character will be like, "Hi, honey, um, thought you were dead. Meet my boyfriend that I hooked up with 2 seconds after I woke up."
Of course the companions are bisixual, it's the post apocalypse!
We're used to living in a world where your potential romance options are immensely vast, with potential mates coming in and out of our lives on a daily basis. In the wasteland, you're lucky to find anyone who isn't actively trying to murder you, and someone who is actually kind to you is a true diamond in the rough. At some point, whether that person is male or female is irrelevent, especially in a world where conventional ideas about gender have long since disappeared.
It may seem like an easy out for Bethesda, but at least it's one that makes a ton of sense given the setting.
only thing i know we will have a stupid dog which my character will shoot first time i see him
ido not like dogs in real life and certainly not in a game
every thing you think you know about companions is just rumours and speculation we still know nothing about other companions
Any hole in a drought might be a thing in prisons but the post-apocalyptic world really isn't that desperate, there are perfectly well functioning societies all over the place. There might be a higher number of LGBT individuals as social norms and mores move on to care about things more immediately salient to survival but yeah, no real reason everyone's suddenly a 3 on the Kinsey scale.
I don't know, given the situation reproduction might be considered important. Last I checked that still required a male and female. Course unlike animals human's six drive really isn't driven by the need to reproduce, it's more of an emotional thing. I recall that's was part of Veronica Santangelo's problem in FONV. She was needed to breed ... and she had other ideas.
Eh, doesn't really matter in the game though as we're not having babies in FO4. The game is just meant to be fun. I support the option for everyone to be able to enjoy the romances. No reason to lock some people out of the romances they'd like to experience.
I'm looking forward to romance, along with the settlement elements it gives me a reason to care more about my impact on the world. I really have no idea what to expect though... obviously it'll be better than the bare-bones marriage in Skyrim, but probably not as in-depth as Bioware. I do expect it to be unrealistic and cheesy, and I'm totally fine with all that. I also hope the family really is dead so that we can get a true fresh start.
I've said this before, but I agree with the player-sixual orientation for companions. I'll grant that it's unrealistic but it serves the greater good of player choice and freedom.
Do we really know we can't have a new baby though? I doubt it's possible and would rather not anyway, but I wouldn't necessarily rule it out since they went to the trouble of designing a way to synthesize two characters' appearance into a baby.
Perhaps we could put some babies in adoption for the gay and lisbian people.
In any game with romance and companionship I've always found the act of maintaining that relationship rather tedious - its a very different game but at one point I was a heavy Sims player and always found the act of raising families to live in homes secondary to actually building them.
I'm glad to see (in the OP) mentions of Lone Wanderer style play as I really can't see myself attempting any none obligatory (hopefully!) romance activities.
That's not to say I wont enjoy the work put into tracking my behavior towards my companions, and seeing the effect of being at best indifferent and worst an abusive player towards whomever I choose to allow to travel with me. BTW by abusive I don't mean I'll be walking around hitting (well not always!) them but I tend to use companions as disposable pack animals and bullet sponges.
I think with any new mechanic introduced its important that the designers don't forget not all players, such as myself, will grasp it with both hands - I simply don't have any interest in culturing that relationship.
On a small side note - settlements - it'll be very disappointing if people become compulsory to any Godforsaken Hellhole I develop, I want to be a hermit and I hope I'm able to do so. Small caveat on that - I accept certain elements of a settlement may be locked off without additional residents but I hope the designers are sensible with that if so, and not just lock things off willy nilly.
I guess not. But, playing as a woman, I'd prefer not to go through FO pregnant! I doubt it will be possible for that reason. Perhaps we can adopt, though.
I'm really looking forward to the romance and companionship element as well. I loved filling up my Hearthfire House with people in Skyrim. That aspect gave me something to work for as I wanted to provide for my people.
Yeah that's why I never chose my Housecarl as a Steward, I always picked someone else so I'd have both. A full house would be my Housecarl, my steward, my bard, my spouse, two kids and a pet. Course I have to build the add-on bedroom to make it feel at home.
Not sure what kind of people we can get in our home in FO4 but I'm looking forward to finding out.
Good point! I still don't want children myself, but given the options I'd rather adopt like in Skyrim. I'm sure the wasteland is full of orphans that need a family... see Billy Creel and Maggie in Megaton.
That's a good idea, how inclusive of you!
It's not a matter of "turning straight people magically bisixual." It's been ages since the bombs dropped, the people who grew up in our world are all long since dead. Kids being raised in the Fallout universe aren't surrounded by masculine men and feminine women and social norms are largely dead, so you likely wouldn't look at an attractive man who displayed the qualities you valued much differently from a women who was basically the same.
And as LeBurns pointed out, pure homosixuality would also be damn near impossible in any small/moderately sized society that valued self-preservation. The only possible exceptions are large settlements like New Vegas and communities with cultures based entirely around the past, like Tenpenny Tower.
Just consider it Bethesda trying to be inclusive and provide maximum freedom by leaving it up to each gamer's individual choice.
Also they did it so that they could focus on making F4 the best game possible.
sixuality is at the core of all of us. Going through hard problems in our lives can change our sixuality, especially for childhood traumas. Meeting plenty of people with sixual deviations in Fallout 4 is only logical and roleplay, given the harsh, post apocalyptic game world we play in. By all means, give us threesomes and orgies with robots and toys too.
No, that was the other thread, which is still locked because when it comes to certain things this community as a whole is incapable of staying on topic. Things that will get this topic locked just the same would be silliness like bringing real-world politics or their own personal views about sixuality into the mix.
Personally, I still think it's more interesting to view these NPCs as "player sixual" like has been said. We don't know anything about any of these characters, but I'd imagine for the most part if you want them to be "straight" then just don't flirt with them and problem solved. If you want some of them to be gay or bi then that's also up to you. I kind of like the idea of a character existing in a probability wave until collapsed through necessity by our actions, or left in an ambivalent state if the player just doesn't care one way or another.
Companions in Bethesda games are empty shells designed to be animated props to accessorize the player character. This is why they will join you and face unimaginable dangers after you retrieve their stolen sweet roll or whatever, and is also why things like sixuality is undefined.
Personally, I'd prefer NPCs that were actually written to be interesting and tell their own stories (even stories that may not work out well for the player character) to digital arm candy. But, such characters wouldn't be 'player sixual'. Rather, they would be womanizers, man-eaters, misogynists, misandrists and whatnot ... characters who's attitudes and actions are partially defined by their sixual identities.
Reading this thread makes me think that Skyrim did the companion/romance thing perfectly. Your character could marry any of the eligible companions with no reference to physical desires. Marrying Jordis was no different than one of the male companions.
Or maybe it's just the very small percentage of people that go to the forums that nick pick and make things seem a lot more serious than they actually are.
The game is going to come out, and for maybe 3 months after that people will scream and yell that the romance is not done the way they think it should, and after that things will settle down.
Personally, I'm wondering how many days after Fallout 4 comes out will someone post to boycott Bethesda. I've seen people post that since Oblivion!
DAI does it if you flirt with straight companions and/or those uninterested in your race. Not really sure that counts though.
Pretty sure I've said this already in another romance thread but hopefully the romances come with fleshed out characters. The playersixual potentially counts against this but not necessarily. If they're Skyrim-styled I really just don't care enough about a pie/money-dispenser to rationalize why my character would be interested in someone so aggressively bland. But! Piper already seems like a step in the right direction so here's to hoping.