Gathering info about these things, but there is still a lot to learn about how Bethesda is improving how relations between player and companion develops.
What magazines and sites are saying, based on their interviews and info received from Bethesda:
* option to engage in romantic relationships with companions. this confirms romance is an important feature in Fallout 4, more than any previous game. and further confirmed by the more indepth facts:
* there are 12 companions (that is a lot of companions. especially when it sounds like they will each be unique)
* only human companions can be romanced (maybe at least 6-7 of them are human, which is a lot of relationship optjons)
* sources claim that Todd Howard said "We track how each companion feels about you"
We spent a lot of time on this mechanic" Therefore as a mechanic, the entire companion relationship system looks
to be something ground breaking, more personal, more meaningful and more rewarding than previous interactions.
* Companions are said to have a lot of personality (could that lead to relationship questlines that further develop a bond?
I don't think personality will just be expressed in random lines spoken, otherwise it would have a "arrow in the knee" routine to their behavior.
* there are special perks for lone wanderer types (does that mean romantic relationships unlock special perks too?).
If lone wanderer survivors get benefits, that must foreshadow that relationships between lovers unlock hidden benefits too.
Not sure how they will apply the companion interactions, but relationship social questlines seem to be the most innovative and
natural way to develop a bond with companion.
And how would that be affected by developing bonds with multiple companions? Could a person have multiple lovers? Would they fight each other? After one companion becomes a lover, the player can't rank up their bond with other companions?
As for the concept of Relationship Social Questlines, I been thinking that Bethesda might add a new type of quest never before
seen in other open world games, where instead of the usual fetch quests and hunting/assassination quests, there would be
peaceful social quests linked to companions, where the player and companion simply talk and get to know each other better,
with dialogue choices, and generally have deep interactive conversations that go deeper with each quest of that nature.
maybe some social questlines could involve going on a journey/adventure together to find something (though that would just shoehorn in the excuse to kill something or loot, just to please the action fans, there's already a lot of quests like that.),
but think considering there is the settlement/building system Fallout 4 has, relationship developments would build more naturally being sedentary instead of nomadic. I think if Fallout 4's companion system includes social questlines, it shouldn't require travel to interact with a companion and develop the bond further.
Though Bethesda may consider dangerous quests, to avoid players speedrunning through the romance development ladder quickly, any quests/requirements to progress the relationship with a companion, would involve travel, combat, and maybe scavenging, that's tied
to that companion's background, needs or something of that nature. Which I think is ok, if it fits the companion and situation.
I think not all companions are gonna be the sedentary types, so to develop bond with the more travel types, it may require doing a lot of footwork and brushing with enemies along the way.
Though it will be interesting how they implement the companions, the romance developments, the personalities, the relationship developments, and whatever perks that may be related to that bond.
not sure if it would escalate into having six, ESRB says there are no sixual themes, but that doesn't mean it isn't there, even if its subtle and not shown.
the journey from strangers to lovers, could be something amazing if Bethesda really does it right for at least some of the
human companions, as well as the rewards/perks/features beyond reaching the peak of that bond, further enhancing the gameplay as well.
the whole romance side of Fallout 4, could be even more interesting, emotional, rewarding and everlasting than the main quest itself.