An Evil Dracolyte Crusader

Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:49 pm

Back along I unintentionally created a new class of character for TES. My Dragonborn merely started off as a common sellsword, but once he found his true destiny and a cause he became something more akin a paladin type knight, only with dragon powers. So, as a result I started looking for classes of character that suited him best. Eventually I came across a class of dragon themed knight in D&D called a "", which is pretty much what Dragonborn is in most respects. But my character is more militaristic in nature rather than spiritual. He also has a very fanatical cause, the destruction of the Thalmor. So I created a cross between the two, a "dracolyte crusader". I've made them a cross between a crusader and a paladin, only with extreme connections to dragons.

Thing is, as with both crusaders and paladins they can be both good and evil. Now this is where I think things get really interesting. I was doing a write-up for the dracolyte crusader when I started to do the part on evil dracolyte crusaders. Well, it got me thinking. Where would these guys fit into TES? What would they get up to? I guessed they'd align themselves with and actively help evil dragons, right? Then it struck me...Alduin! "My god!" I thought, "Of course!" I then started thinking about evil dracolyte crusaders helping Alduin and the other evil dragons as my Dragonborn was trying to stop them! As a result I wrote a little bit into the dracolyte crusader write-up about rumors of at least one evil dracolyte crusader helping Alduin in his plans.

I'm now slowly developing plans to eventually either bring at least one into TES as a quest NPC, or maybe even to play as one in order to later save him as a quest character. Now comes the slightly tricky part. If I decide to do a playthrough as one, in what way could he possibly help Alduin? As the whole game is based on stopping him this could prove somewhat tricky, to help Alduin rather than try to destroy him. I have to point out that if I do do a playthrough then it will be in the same reality as my recent Dragonborn's reality, hence his obvious failure. His failure will be where I'll save the character for my Dragonborn to eventually confront in a quest. But that doesn't remove the question as to how to play him as a character who's actually helping Aldiun. Anyone got any ideas?

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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:48 pm

My son, I await thee in Valthume, when you are ready to serve Overlord Alduin.

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Jose ordaz
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:41 pm

Evil Crusader? You need an Ebony Mace. In fact, probably all Ebony with a dash of Nightingale/Ebony Mail.

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Charlotte X
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:32 pm

Ohh, don't worry about all that. I'm working on what he'll be wearing and his weapons right now, in between installing all my mods into MO. Only about an hour ago I found the perfect armor for him. And believe me, it is absolutely 100% fantastically perfect for him! :cool: I even think I've found his fortress on Nexus, which, just like the armor, is pretty spot on for what I need!

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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:56 pm

Save Hevnoraak from Valdar. With the help of Hevnoraak, he unleashes a Draugr horde unto Skyrim. Causing more deaths so Alduin can feast on in Sovngarde. You can later face your nemesis and Hevnoraak in a handicap boss battle.

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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:56 pm

this reflects a good point, if you want to help alduin, keep his soul supply topped up, which means you might in turn want to avoid completing the civil war too

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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:19 pm

You mean he should be double-dealing and totally deceitful in character? As well as being walking death incarnate he should play both sides off against one another in the Civil War? Veery interesting. I'll be trying to avoid all the cartoon "dike Dastardly" villain stereotypes. I want him to be really, quite a big :swear:, with no redeeming qualities, and even quite creepy, so this does give me some good ideas...

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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:50 pm

You mean a look like :D

Sounds like real a Sidious type character to me; a complete and total you know what. Love it. :devil:

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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:50 am

That actually sounds like fun.

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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:13 pm

I've been thinking since my last post. I think I'll make him a servant of someone who's directly in contact with Alduin, an even greater power than the character I have in mind. He'll be a field operative or emissary, if you will. And yes, he will be unintentionally very similar to Vader. He'll be a henchman of an, at first, unseen bogeyman. Oh b***dy hell, I've just realised that I've just tripped over yet another existing character! Remember during Avengers, Loki is in contact with the creepy alien guy, but at the end you find out he's only the servant of a yet to be revealed Ever get the feeling that everything's already been done by someone else? Oh well... :(

Anyway, I was always disappointed with the fact that George Lucas didn't carry out his for Star Wars, leaving Palpatine to step out of the shadows in Ep. IX. I would've carried on with teasing the audience here and teasing the audience there with references and brief sightings of "something", just like they did in ESB, but he wouldn't have fully revealed himself until much later on. Until Ep. IX, Vader or other Siths (I would've had more than two competing with one another for power) would've been the "in your face" villains, with the Emperor acting as the big grim puppeteer manipulating everything from behind the scenes. So I guess, yes, subconsciously I started to plan out my original wishes for what Lucas should've done, have these creepy guys running around with the main villain staying out of the way until the very, very end...a bit like Alduin himself I guess. *sigh* :shrug: Like I said, I don't think anything's truly original anymore. There's just variations of the same themes. But the big chief here will be humanoid rather than a dragon.

I've thought of my character as being more like guy, but much more covert. As another member said, much better if he were to do his work through guile and deceit, playing both sides off against one another, whilst in reality working against both of them for a high evil. He'll be working so that there's much more bloodshed on both sides. He'll certainly have his evil dracolyte crusader outfit, but obviously he wont be dressed in it when he's meeting with both sides. After all, would you trust someone who looks like! :blink: And yep, that is the costume I've got planned for him, dragon themes and all! :cool: When confronting both the Empire and Stormcloaks, when he's not out in the wilds, he'll be dressed a lot more like a good guy. In other words he'll have two outfits. He'll have his "I'm a nice guy trying to help" outfit for when he's dealing with the warring factions, and he'll have his "true self" outfit for when he's out in the field.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:01 am

Hev will absolutely adore you. Or maybe he'll see you moving in on his territory. Hmmm. McCool evil outfit BTW

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