Evil dragons as cliche? As opposed to what, Teddy Bear Dragons?
Huge wings, fierce venemous fangs, daggerous talons, armor-plated platinum scales for defense, spell-use, FIRE-BREATHING ... and yet what, you're supposed to be able to lie down and spoon with one?
Hahahaha.... this Poll is ludicrous! And very funny to boot! Hahahahaa...
If anyone thinks evil dragons are cliche, then wait to see for yourself when Peter Jackson's new "The Hobbit" movies come to the screen. It's going to be probably the most awesome dragon to ever grace the screen, and you can judge then if you think it's cliche, I mean these things were bred for one purpose: evil and destruction and insatiable hunger and thievery!
(Technically that not's one thing, but who's counting?) wink wink
Erm, did you ever play AD&D? There was a full spectrum of good and evil dragons.
Also, according to "How to Train a Dragon", dragons are really just another kind of animal, a part of nature, to which evil really can't be attributed.
So in conclusion, I've presented evidence that, indeed, dragons are not all evil, not all hungry, and not all about destruction. Indeed, they are really not at all

Of course, on Supernatural last night, they saved the special effects budget (like most sci-fi nowdays) and just used dragons in human form....who were evil....but were able to melt steel with their bare hands!
OP, you missed Baldur's Gates, At least 3 there, 2 evil 1 good