A graceful hand held forth a tankard of mead to the thirsty Drenim.
"Scholarship be thirsty work, m'ord," smiled a statuesque, zaftig Nordic lass in an old-fashioned Cyrodiilic barwench's outfit, her golden hair flowing from her shoulders to the floor. "Here, help yeself to a bit of Skyrim's best, courtesy of the Bishop of Barmaids, whom I be most honored to represent at this esteemed gathering."
Blue eyes twinkling, she sashayed from Drenim to any others who called for drink, a tray of full tankards balanced easily on her left hand. "Fear not, worthies; but call out your wish and it shall be provided, though do allow me a bit of time if I be having to nip off and restock me tray - especially if ye be asking for something especially fancy. And do be kind in your consideration when ye depart this hall; the good Bishop thanks ye most kindly for any donations, that we may continue our sacred task of keeping Tamriel's throats from going dry."
(Hello all; this looks to be fun
