» Tue May 08, 2012 12:25 am
"Muthsera Sarethi, I will be honest, I played not a part in the defence of the homeland during Dagon’s mischief. It is also not my place to account for the actions of my master during that time, either.
From what I have gathered, I spent the entirety of the duration of the Dagon's invasion in the not-entirely volitional presence of the most cantankerous Dremora, Dregas Volar. The Lord of Strife has punished him for the losing of the Crescent Blade, and Dregas was given no station whatsoever in the ranks of the invading armies. This was a very bitter blow, and hurt the Dremora's pride as much as a Dremora can feel such a thing... I spoke much with him during my time there, and when I eventually gleaned from him the full intent of his Lord, I desperately tried to leave, if only to warn the Council. However, by this time, I had no effort or will left in me to attempt another journey. To do so would have almost certainly killed me. Dregas wasn't too annoyed by my presence, actually. But for all our conversations, I got little from him by way of true understanding of the mechanics of his Lord's endeavour. Obviously, Dagon did not see him fit to even furnish him with any understanding of how the invasion was going to happen... However, one turn of phrase does stand out, I remember now. As I frantically attempted to conduce another luminal step, he harassed me with his Xivilai, who stopped me and tore down my symbols, he said; "Paper folded too much wears thin, wait for the new sheet to arrive." Then I gave in, and with him drank some Daedric wines his scamps had thieved off with before his banishment.
I have no idea when this was, and for all I know, it could have been years before the actual invasion. I may have been the first Dunmer to know about Mehrune's designs, or maybe not. What a curious thing if I was... Forgive me, though, as the passage through the gradient spirals of irreality has left my memory in all sorts of dissarray. I will talk more on this, once I've drunk some of the Shein."