You break the nine seals, unfold the gilded silk nine times, and then are struck with the decidedly teuthic embrace of a thousand-fold varlatendrils which lovingly scrimshander their fractal sigils across your facial dermis in blessed-yet-temporary nonachromatic inks.
The apprehension is deafening.
“The Fourteenth of Sun’s Height, Third Year of the Fourth Era,
To His Unimpeachable E’er-Holiness of The-Hours-Invincible, the Archbishop of AKATOSH, we call;
To His Benevolent Rinpocheness of The-Maternities-Ecumenical, the Archbishop of MARA, we call;
To Her Bespoken Righteousness of The-Canons-Square, the Archbishop of STENDARR, we call;
To His Beatific Sylvainess of The-Tutors-Wild, the Archbishop of KYNARETH, we call;
To His Hallowed Industriousness of The-Eight-Crafts-Virtuous, the Archbishop of ZENITHAR, we call;
To His Blessed Tranquilancy of That-Crook-Most-Subtle, the Archbishop of ARKAY, we call;
To Her Kaleidetic Grace of Jests-Infinite , the Archbishop of DIBELLA, we call;
To Her Reverend Gnosticity of The-Silks-Fecund, the Archbishop of JULIANOS, we call;
To Her Numpyrean Augustness of Our-Hopes-in-Ruby-Clad, the Archbishop of TALOS, we call;
To all Clerics and Mothnastics humble and grand DE RES NOVEM DIVINAE, we call to an Ecumenical Council to be held the Twenty Eight of Sun’s Height at Chorrol-upon-Weynon by special request of His Logothetic Excellency, High Chancellor Ocato of Firsthold and the Councilors-Spiritual of the Elder Council’s Sub-Council on Judiciary Aurbiphysics, so that:
- The underlying machinery of the Great MYSTERIUM TREMENDENS ET DRACONANS which smote Archfiend at Zeroth Temple might definitively divined and entered into the CANON OBSCURA.
- The adaphysis of IMPERATOR-DRACOSOTER , Martin Septim, might be determined and entered into the CANON OBSCURA.
- Blessed Inquiry (non-silk variant) be performed on the surviving Daedrists apprehended from their Lake Arrius facility, to determine their heretical culpability and extract penitence-in-kind.
Yours in The Nine,
Gondopharès d’Alcaire
Under-Secretary of the High Chancellery, White-Gold on Rumare, Cyrodiil. “
(For those you not versed in mythibabble, this is a discussion on the theological ramifications of Oblivion's ending to be conducted IN CHARACTER!