evocatio sancrea aad concilium chorrollinium

Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:03 am

…Then, one day, either by error or grave purpose you receive a letter via transleeve stride.

You break the nine seals, unfold the gilded silk nine times, and then are struck with the decidedly teuthic embrace of a thousand-fold varlatendrils which lovingly scrimshander their fractal sigils across your facial dermis in blessed-yet-temporary nonachromatic inks.

The apprehension is deafening.

“The Fourteenth of Sun’s Height, Third Year of the Fourth Era,

To His Unimpeachable E’er-Holiness of The-Hours-Invincible, the Archbishop of AKATOSH, we call;

To His Benevolent Rinpocheness of The-Maternities-Ecumenical, the Archbishop of MARA, we call;

To Her Bespoken Righteousness of The-Canons-Square, the Archbishop of STENDARR, we call;

To His Beatific Sylvainess of The-Tutors-Wild, the Archbishop of KYNARETH, we call;

To His Hallowed Industriousness of The-Eight-Crafts-Virtuous, the Archbishop of ZENITHAR, we call;

To His Blessed Tranquilancy of That-Crook-Most-Subtle, the Archbishop of ARKAY, we call;

To Her Kaleidetic Grace of Jests-Infinite , the Archbishop of DIBELLA, we call;

To Her Reverend Gnosticity of The-Silks-Fecund, the Archbishop of JULIANOS, we call;

To Her Numpyrean Augustness of Our-Hopes-in-Ruby-Clad, the Archbishop of TALOS, we call;

To all Clerics and Mothnastics humble and grand DE RES NOVEM DIVINAE, we call to an Ecumenical Council to be held the Twenty Eight of Sun’s Height at Chorrol-upon-Weynon by special request of His Logothetic Excellency, High Chancellor Ocato of Firsthold and the Councilors-Spiritual of the Elder Council’s Sub-Council on Judiciary Aurbiphysics, so that:
  • The underlying machinery of the Great MYSTERIUM TREMENDENS ET DRACONANS which smote Archfiend at Zeroth Temple might definitively divined and entered into the CANON OBSCURA.
  • The adaphysis of IMPERATOR-DRACOSOTER , Martin Septim, might be determined and entered into the CANON OBSCURA.
  • Blessed Inquiry (non-silk variant) be performed on the surviving Daedrists apprehended from their Lake Arrius facility, to determine their heretical culpability and extract penitence-in-kind.
Please RESPONDEO SIC-VOS-PLACET by the Eighteenth of Sun’s Height.

Yours in The Nine,
Gondopharès d’Alcaire
Under-Secretary of the High Chancellery, White-Gold on Rumare, Cyrodiil. “

(For those you not versed in mythibabble, this is a discussion on the theological ramifications of Oblivion's ending to be conducted IN CHARACTER! :nerd: So grab your archbishopships while they last.)
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:56 pm

[post deleted]
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:38 am

As Archbishop of Ebonarm I believe I have a voice in this too, he still exists even though his stance of hating everyone is not wholly appreciated he still counts.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:14 am

mythobabble! i'd call [archbishop of] dibella, but 28th is a busy day
plus the fact i've never yet contributed anything of importance, here. :ermm:

unfortunate misfortunes!

how i'd love a study on the post-mythicdawn

[nevermind. I will participate. Picking a.b. dibella.]
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:53 pm

Whee! I will begin to misinterpret this immediately, yesterday. Good show, Haute Cuervo.
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James Smart
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:29 am

Sure, why not. I call Elbero Not-So-Tall, ranking priest of the Mythic Dawn

(Should probably brush up on my Mysterium Xarxes beforehand)
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:33 am

Does Ambassador for the Clan Mother of Mara count? Or is this all Man and Mer business?
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:39 am

" To whatever bloodless silk-diddling bureaumongers pass for rulership down Cyrod'way,

I would be delighted to to instruct you lot, in excruciating detail, in all the numerous ways that you are wrong.

Just don't sit me next to any [censored] elves.

Aethelgar Lotus-Eater,
Learn'd Presbyter of Talos Shorssun at Windhelm, Fair Skyrim "

Does Ambassador for the Clan Mother of Mara count? Or is this all Man and Mer business?

The guards are letting in anybody with an invitation.
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 9:54 pm

"To whom this may concern.

Your urgent words have travelled along the prevailing winds and have reached Clan Mother Nassivi's acute ears. Unfortunately, Sheogorath's hand has waved itself rudely over local moonsugar traders and it calls for the Clan Mother's immediate attention. In her stead is Taela of the city Built-By-Our-Neighbor's-Wood, who is a servant of Mara, who is now the Unofficial Officer of Matters Concerning Anywhere But Elsweyr.

- Golden Sands
Dro' Nahzgo
Official of Naming Things.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:02 am

Esteemed scholars,
I feel that I have received this correspondence by some error. I suppose it was meant for the eyes of the high priest in the nearby imperial cult shrine? I'm afraid that the street layout of Mournhold remains a confusing mystery to outlanders. I am but a minor noble in what remains of house Redoran, and somewhat ignorant of your Nine.
However, I feel that I might still have some insight on such a gathering. I recently served as one of the healers-on-hand present at the intra-House committee on the direction the Tribunal Temple would take following the actions of the Incarnate. (how unfortunate that this happened independently of, and was subsequently overshadowed by, that bizarre convention at Hogithum Hall!). I witnessed the debate between Houses firsthand, lending me some familiarity with this sort of proceeding.
In addition, I feel that because this meeting will at least partially focus on dealing with a sect of followers of one of the Four Corners of the House of Trouble, having a traditional Dunmeri viewpoint in the mix would only be proper.

With no small pleasure,
Sufjan Sarethi
Healer, scholar, and House Cousin of the Redoran
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:36 pm

Esteemed Gondopharès d’Alcaire,

As Archbishop too worship of Ebonarm I demand invite too these proceedings, our benevolent lord hates Mehrunes with as much fury as the so called "Divines" and seeks retribution on the Mythic Dawn for the events passed. Though I politely ask that I am not too near the presence of the bishop too Stendarr, as you know Ebonarm is no friend to his patron so neither am I.

Tralen Emerich
Archbishop of Ebonarm, Leader too all Battelords
Daggerfall, High Rock
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:15 pm

C'mon, we can get better representation of the Nine than 2...
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 11:20 am

Dear all scholars,

I am the Arch-Arch of Una, the Queen-Down of Two Over that became a new Brisen with the Snake. By the word of the Four Archs who Never, I join in invatation that one will make me join.

Arch-Arch Seer

When ever
Where ever
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:31 am

To the Council whom has granted me access to these proceedings beyond Mun'das,

I see it fitting as to introduce myself cordially, in letter, myself to Gondopharès d’Alcaire who has arranged for us to meet on the twenty-eighth of Sun's Height. By odd chance, your invitation has fallen into my paws, courtesy of Clan Mother Nassivi herself who gifted it to me at the time I saught to seek wisdom from her pertaining to Mara. So it is with great honor that I represent the sugar sands and it's feline citizens, as well as the Mother Cat, Mara. I have dictated these words to a scribe who is well versed in Transleeve communication and asked that he safeguards this message from interception. I will leave post haste and should arrive at Weynon on the eve of the council.

With much gratitude-
Priestess Taela of the Temple of Mara; Healer.
Torval, Elsweyr
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:49 am

(text appears to be scratched into living vellum)

To the exalted Gondopharès d’Alcaire,

It has come to my attention that the thralls of the Nine once more have planned to create history out of truth.
No doubt again with the intent to marginalise the role in the events played by those that refute temple doctrine.
Therefore, despite learning of this engagement far too late and despite having to distill the actual invitation from the dreamsleeve via chronocule-alligned raven-moth extraction, I hereby state my intent as to attend this meeting, and adress the speakers when neccesary, following the rules and regulations set upon by our ancestors-blessed for occasions such as these.
By right of apotheosis I claim the chair on the left-hand side of His-Blessed-Tranquility, etc. etc. the Archbishop of Arkay.

For the sake of diplomacy only minimal provisions will be made to secure my own safety. I have faith that this trust will remain unbroken and I myself am under blood-oath to the effect that the only violence and subterfuge that shall come from me will take the form of debate.

Trusting to have informed His Exaltedness the d'Alcaire of intent, and trusting in the knowledge of the detriment betrayal should bring to all parties involved, I hereby let it be known that the Order of the Worm will not shirk its responsibilities in shaping history and will attend said meeting.

Jalmar Drenim, High Priest of the Order of the Worm, Ruminator of things-that-be, etc. etc.
The Temple of the Hidden Eye, Olenveld.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 5:56 am

This will be fun. Wanna join. As I see, I can join with a character other than the 9 Archbishops.


To His Excellency, Sir Gondopharès d’Alcaire,

I cannot tell by which means this letter arrived at my door. It was only out of curiosity that I broke nine seals and read it, and, as I believe, it was a good choice, for this is a matter of great interest to me. I am a scholar, as are others that shall attend this meeting, and I would be honored to attend it, too. Cyrod is home and I'd be most pleased to yet again touch the ground of it. There are mysteries that wait to be unveiled, there is much to learn,and we shall learn the most out of tragedies, as was this last. Ignorance brings false peace. May Akatosh watch over us all, and heal the wounds left over by the Prince of Destruction. I say this as servant of the Tribunal Temple of Morrowind, and not only.

Yours sincerely,

Theya Liore
Disciple of the Tribunal Temple and Dwemer Scholar
Vivec, Vvdardenfell District, Province of Morrowind.
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:32 am

lez get dis ball a rowlin'...




" Beloved Councilors of Empire Unvanquish'd,

Please except this humble drakesong, composed from some of the Chantry's finest thumalists, as token of my eagerness and intent to attend at Chorrol. Our Lord's
paraousia at Zeroth merits elaboration, I should think. For too long have earnest catechumens come through the Chantry's doors, inspired by the Great Unfurling and seeking further, deeper revelation, only to be turned away for lack of ecclesiastic process.

Blessed Hours,

Remanisthenes Ottus,

Archbishop of the Toshic Chantry by the silent approbation of his Dragongrace."
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matt white
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 8:59 am

What lovely music! The best part of drakesong is the way it makes your ears ring.

Greetings to this august company.

Although my past association with Vehk of Blessed ALMSIVI during the events of Hogithum Hall has led many to believe me versed in the ways of the Whirling School, the truth is, I loved him for his body, not his theology. I am no Cyrodilic cleric but a Nord, subtle as a hammer to the head, and like Pelinal easily wearied of gods-logic unless the speaker be either fair enough or fell enough to carry the point to a demonstration. Plus I have spent most of the past year asleep in a bear's cave and my tongue is rusty. But for the sake of Martin, who once called me friend, I will listen, and bear what witness I can. I believe I have some practical experience in these matters.

currently of no fixed address; please address all correspondence to Tris Gaerington, Skingrad
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 2:35 am

A letter arrives at the desk of the High Chancellery's Under-Secretary. The papers contained-within reek of a particularly familiar Valenwood liqueur.

Gondopharès, my dear, so good to hear from you! Long have the years been since the Rumination Adabalic, when handsome old Emperor Uriel introduced us to heart-whispers of his great-great-...-great-grandaunt. Truly! We knew then from whom His Majesty gained his rarely-seen comedic wit. May the Chim-el Akabal guide his spirit. ...

By Dibella's [censored] (Blessed Blessed)! That's not why you have contacted me, is it? I shall get to the heart of the matter, lest the paperservant lose her fingers to the manawax of these nine seals. Oh, her tears ring my heart. Verily, I accept the High Chancellor's invitation. Let us not distract ourselves from the events at White-Gold and the actions of the Red-Morning.

May Her Beauty smile upon this meeting!

My sweet but authoritative regards,

Archbishop of Dibella
Office of Her Divine Tesseracts of Land
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:44 pm

I shall join this meeting. I do not have any opinions on the metaphysical matters, as I am a practical man who spends little time thinking about the gods and more time trying to run the Resolution. However, I desire to keep up to speed with the political situation between the temples.

Signed, Archbishop Julius, Supreme Patriarch of the Resolution of Zenithar.

PS: Send a more mundane letter next time. I swear, the only parchments more disorientating to read are the Elder Scrolls themselves. I feel a little nauseous.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:35 am

By the Marsh-Into-Seven!

The Una-Arch of Even So is going to join us in the EVOCAITO. He is the representative of the Under-Twine of Twine-Twine who made the Rinix over There become a power into the Yuio POLI. If no bishop will mind, I will bring another representative to me: The Yuri of Una, Blessed Junix Of Who Is, The one who besieged the Goriss Town of Gortid-Under-Sky and stopped Moving-Sands from marching into Six Rebels.

So when are we getting started?
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 3:41 am

The letter that arrives in the office of the White-Gold Clerk, delivered into a marble pidgeon-hole in the Sorting Office of the One is peculiar in a number of its features. The first is it's mundanity; it is nothing more than folded parchment. Not a stain of memospore to be found on its surface. A wholly corporeal letter, albeit signed and sealed with the mark of the the Holy See of Evermore. The second unusual feature is the hand writing, expressive and loopy, manifestly not that of a man of the Cloth. Nevertheless, it reads:

To yours the Elder Ivory-Gilded High Chancellor upon Rumare, Octato of Alinor

With a heavy Heart I must inform you that His Beatific Sylvainess of The-Tutors-Wild, the Archbishop of KYNARETH anon Ormax Lisieux has been eaten by a Daedroth. During a most terrible raid, the Archbishop, the Dean, the Chamberlain, twelve priests, twenty seven Choir-Boys and thirty two Choir-Girls were also taken away, and by all accounts consumed by Daedra. The ensuring fire also claimed the west wing of Evermore Cathedral, and in the ikonoclastic holocaust countless records and unique theological compendiums were lost to unholy flames.

Never-the-less, in our time of Most Need, a Champion of Kyne emerged. A mere novice in our order, this extraordinary woman turned the tide of rampaging Dremora, battled the demons into their own realm and closed the gate, rescuing the fate of the Holy See of Evermore. I hope you may understand that in our current state the Temple of Kynareth is harshly under-staffed, and be sympathetic to our decision to send this Champion of Kyne, one Feon. Barrowhart in our name to this most August Council. While she is only recently introduced into our Priesthood, her peculiar accomplishment has marked her in our eyes as the Chosen of Kyne, and we could see none in our order better suited to join a forum on the deeds of the great Heroes of Cyrodiil.

Yours Cheerlessly,
Ylbert Yeomcroft, Priest of Kynareth, Office of the Archbishopry of Evermore
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 9:48 pm


"Gondopharès d’Alcaire AND all other Lorkhanites,

Remanisthenes of manblood Ottus lies voidridden. AKA oscillation interpretation and flux calculations utterly inadeqaute.

Acoustical values adjusted to Thalmor fanfare. Drakesong propogation suitably refracted; Attenuation dedicated to his draconian majesty, the KING AURI-EL. Behold the music of the DRAGON'S glorious war. Rebellion capitulation is only imminent. Can you not hear time, manworms?

Periff's blasphemes and the chains of the Ayleidoon warrior-bird lay broken. Thalmorite Paladins cry holy tears at the inholy collapse of the Tower of Crystal. Just vengeance was aquired as valiant Toshic Thalmor defeated the lord Dagon in sleeve-duel and closed the Tower gaps, saving Tamriel from revolution and further rebellion, enforcing the will of ANU.

The DRAGON is awakening and I am AKA'S most trusted and intellectually accurate servant, and shall attend this gathering with due haste. My nobility shall adorn the musk of Cyrod as AKA wills it.

Willing the written unfurling,

Qorowen Culuaurelinwae Iantierandial Muurlanaro Aicantar Dithringoth of CLAN Quaradil
Archbishop of Draconated AKA, DRAGON Crusader of Holy Amplitude, Thalmor Wizard
The Magnus Laboratory, Alinor, Alinor"

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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:42 am

Oh to heck with it...

Oyez Oyez Oyez, Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Nine, if you will all cease your private conversations take your seats we may begin.

Ahem, for those of you whom I have not had the opportunity to meet personally, I am Belharzslav Olodiil, Primate of the Heroon of Reman Autochthonicus , Chaplain-General of Red Legion, Elder-Councilor, and former Archimandrite-Palatine to our late, most beloved Imperator Et Tourifex Maximus, Uriel VII, soon we shall cut our wine together in Aetherius, Dear Brother.

…But I now have the great pleasure of serving as Arbiter of this, The Second Ecumundrial Council of Chorrol.

This most distinguished Gentlemer to my right is Shurz Gro-Gortwog, Crown Prince of Orsinium, Imperial Legate of Red Legion, Knight-Brother of The Order of the Lily, Blade-Seneschal, and a dear friend. At my request, he has graciously agreed to serve as our Deacon-Bumbailiff .

Also, I would like to the time to extend our most gracious thanks to Countess Valga for hosting us in her lovely city. Sadly, Her Highness is still in grieving from a recent loss in the comitial family and could not grace us her with her presence here today.

She asks, however, that you refrain from sending flowers, either by courier or transleeve stride, and instead make a donation in her daughter’s name to the Weynon Orphanarium.
Now, if you will all bow your heads, I will begin the opening the prayers…












In the name of The Nine, Perfect and Divine; The Cenacle of Imperators, Paravan-Et-All; The Communion of Saints, past and yet to be unveiled; The Elder Council, with all her graceful organs under Chancellery in Highest; and The Commonwealth of All-Souls-Under-White-Gold; I, Primate-anon-Arbiter Belharzslav Kaslowyn Alessia Olodiil declare the Second Ecumundrial Council of Chorrol open for business.

Deacon-Bumbailiff, please have your men secure all portals mundane or otherwise.

And as for those of you joining us by-sleeve, please set your prism horripilators to jhanaway 100.8 now, as the chapel’s magnanery is weaving wraithwalls as I speak to prevent objection from Misrule.

Now the first matter at hand: The MYSTERIUM TREMENDANS ET DRACONANS, when as our darkest hour loomed, The Archfiend’s mundrial career was arrested by the miraculous eruption of an effulgent Akaform from the vault of Temple-Prime.

Putting aside the rocking waves of lay hysteria following in-wake – the St. Agdistra’s Day Riots, the Yeomanry Revolt, Occupy Talos Plaza, etc. etc. – This phenomenon confronts Ecclesiasts-We with an apparent paradox in the canons.

Until now, The Silks have been very clear on this dogmeme: The Divines do not tread amongst us for they are held trancelocked on their celestial thrones in the sacred duty of maintaining the mundrial STATUS QUOCOON.

That an Akaform of such magnitude should seem to openly flaunt the Shezarrine Oath calls for serious redress.

Now, as per tradition, we will open with some statements from the Archbishoprics, starting with the most senior office, His E’er Holiness, The Archbishop of Akatosh:

Err, does anyone happen to know where Remanisthenes Ottus is?
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:43 am

Hear, hear! I shall save my personal invocations, as I do not wish to offend the assembled.

As for the archbishop, I suspect he has just slipped out. Perhaps the representative of Mara should continue the proceedings, allowing Aka's man time to return?
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