For instance, it always puzzled me how there was really no divide between the more fanatical believers that were mostly born in the Legion or "converted" to their beliefs, and the less enthusiastic conscripts forcibly impressed into service. And on top of that, for a military dictatorship, a form of government known for internal intrigue and factionalism (Think S. Vietnam-styled coups and counter-coups), there is noticable lack of intrigue of any kind. Now, one could argue that Caesar's iron fist has kept the military elites in check, along with everyone else, but that makes for a boring and monolithic faction.
I think in the future, the Legion needs to undergo a seismic change, and its internal politics need to be at the forefront. I think the eventual death of Caesar and the trasition phase that follows would be a perfect opportunity for the Legion to grow in such a manner. It would certainly be an interesting to see a game set in a time where Caesar's sucessor is trying to assert his control over the military and the people, while a junta of top Centurions begins to encroach on the powers of the Caesar, and the general populace sees this as a moment of weakness for the regime, and begin to rise up. Anyways, that's my two cents.
Any thoughts?