Exactly WHEN do cells reset

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:48 pm

spelling malfunction... thats when DO cells rest, not when cells SO reset...

Do cells completely reset and "clean up" after 72 hours...

...or after 72 hours *AND* the next time you revisit them?

For example...

Lets say you have a lot of clutter that you just want to get rid of. There are a number of ways to do this, such as giving it away to merchants (probably the best way), but lets say you have the "Bag of Holding" Mod, and you are in a dungeon, you just killed everything, cleaned everything up off of the floor (arrows, dropped weapons); and you want to use the opportunity to "clean up" your possessions.

So you pick a body, and stash a lot of yarn into it... clay pots, cups, pitchers, etc... 900 of the 1000 Iron Arrows you were carrying... calipers and so forth (maybe you picked them up accidently before, and now you just want to get rid of them)... 498 of the 500 Hourglasses you were carrying...

Now exactly WHEN is all of that junk cleaned up and removed from the save file?

After 72 hours?

Or after 72 hours **PLUS** your next visit to THAT cell?

I.E. do cells clean themselves up "in the background"?
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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:45 am

Cells reset just after 72 hours.

A revisit is not needed.

That's why some major mod upgrades require a clean save; where you need to go to an interior cell and wait for over 72 hours or more.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:00 pm

I am no specialist here but I think that if your game clock shows that it is for example 7:48 am, then the cell will reset after three days (3 x 24hrs = 72) when the game time is 8:00 am or 8:01 am and not when it is 7:48 or 7:49 or 7:59 am. If you enter the cell by only a minute earlie, then you will have to wait another 72 hours + those minutes that are left (on this case 12 minutes). Best to quicksave before checking if the cell/container was reset and then wait for 1 hour if it was not yet ready.
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