Not sure if I want to
M'aiq the "Truthful" or
with the poster (too involved with Skyrim and GTA:Online atm to play FO3 [and NV] because I do miss playing those games), but I digressed enough and here my answer to the CAT!
1. You are approached by a frenzied Orc scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response? Say nothing, but slip away before the Orc can continue.
Why? I understand what is said, but the topic is boring for me to make any excuse so I can "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!" [hint: my avi/user name is there for a reason
2. While working as an apprentce for a alchemist, a patient with a strange infection on his foot stumbles through the door. The infection is spreading at an alarming rate, but the alchemist has stepped out for a while. What do you do? Medicate the infected area to the best of your training.
I have a lesser degree in a medical field, but no doctor either, and in that field of expertise is more of animals than humans. If it is an Argonian or a Khajiit, you are in good hands. Mer or man, well let's hope transposing from beastmen to those folks is good enough until a doctor arrives... one thing I have some knowledge in is herbs, hence it is better for me to be there than a Nazeem or most NPCs, but hope a divine priest arrives JUST to be sure.
3. You discover a Nord child lost in the Wilderness. He's hungry and frightened, but also appears to be in possession of stolen property. What do you do? Give the boy a hug and tell him everything will be okay.
Children will be children and it does happen. Best thing to do is calm the child and be with the child when he/she admits to the "victim" what transpired and APOLOGIZE to that person. Better to do that than anything as the Golden Rule tends to be enforced for some reason.
4. Congratulations! You have become one of Nazeem's servants! Which position do you prefer? Cook.
Never underestimate the power of herbs to make someone less talkative at least.
*I'm a lousy cook though*
5. Your grandmother invites you for sweetrolls, but you're surprised when she gives you a dagger and orders you to kill someone. What do you do? Throw your sweetroll in your Grandma's face.
I believe in talking someone down, unless it is a terrorist, than I might go the other extreme. Golden Rule applies here.
6. Viola Giordano has locked herself in her house, and you've been ordered to get her out. How do you proceed? Ask Neloth for help and have him blow up the door.
As much I want to unlock the door for her, I know I am have no experience in lockpicking and prefer a professional to do unlock it. You never know it might come down to something where you screw up and the damsel in distress is screwed, figuratively speaking.
7. Oh, no! You have been exposed to the Nazeem Disease and you have the itch to go to the Cloud District every day! What's the best course of treatment? Pray to the Divines/Daedra.
Never know, something out there will listen to you enough and it works.
8. Your best friend is in possession of a Lusty Argonian Maid volume one. You want it. What's the best way to obtain it? Trade the book for one of your own valuable possession.
A sacrifice of sentimental value for something you want. If it ends, you like it, then it is a good trade. Otherwise, need to separate want vs need better.
9. You decide it would be fun to play a prank on Lydia. You enter her bedroom when no one is looking, and... Break into her chest and replace her diary with the Lusty Argonian Maid.
My precise answer would get modded by the mods, hence I will say she needs to get out than staring at my sweet roll on top of the end table, next to the bed... in fact, unless I was attracted to her, she needs to stay out of my room... period (Iona as well, though she does cook at times, thus very hard to kick her out; poor lady).
10. Not going to copy/paste the question as it has become a dictatorship and will say M'aiq is still a LIAR 
Overall, best, fun topic I have seen in a while and thank you, Mr. "Truthful".