If anything, the temporary exclusive for XBOX (as in XBOX gets the DLC first) can actually be seen as a double-edged sword. On one hand, the 360 players get the DLC before the PS3 and PC users. However, just because the 360 users got DLC first does not mean that it necessarily better. 360 users may end up with game-breaking glitches that either effect the DLC or the game as a whole. Perhaps an NPC has a dialog problem, or a boss is still considered "necessary", and therefore cannot die when fought. Heck, it could even goes as far as the DLC's world malfunctioning (ala The Pitt when it first came out). If anything, the 360 users are lab rats that "test" the DLC, and if adjustments or fixes are needed they are made as an update for the 360, and built in for the PS3 and PC when the DLC comes out for them.
Point is that there is some good and bad for all three sides of the consoles. Though the PS3 and PC users have to wait, at least the DLC will come to them patched, while on the other hand, 360 users get the DLC first, they have to deal with any malfunctions the DLC has come with (if there are any) until an update comes out to fix it.
Now I know that there are still factors that seem unfair. Unfortunately, money makes the world go around. It's not about what you take from it; it's about letting it go (couldn't resist saying that :thumbsup: even though I may have not gotten the quote exactly right).
But Bethesda comes out with a patch for Xbox within a month, yet PS3 and PC don't get it until six months later...
Atleast PC has the G.E.C.K. and can make a mod similar to the DLC but people on PS3 (like me) are stuck either waiting, buying an X Box (which is exactly what Microsoft wants those [censored]), or visiting a friend who has an X Box and the DLC...
It's a terrible thing to do to PC and PS3, if Bethesda didn't make incredible games I would avoid everything made by them just for these reasons...
If the DLCs were a PC exclusive, PS3 and X-Box fans would complain.
If the DLCs were a PS3 exclusive, PC and X-Box fans would complain.
We live in an instant-gratification society. Patience is a virtue. I know it's hard to wait and I feel lucky I'm on X-Box, but the DLCs will become available. And, as pointed out above, probably patched.
These games cost millions to produce and promote. Any studio that passes up a chance to recoup some of that cost with an exclusivity deal is being foolish.
So in a perfect world where game studios listened to their fans everything would be released on every platform
at the exact same [censored] time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!