Morihaus wasn't a bull.
Tamriel is also very, very gender equality and one's sixuality isn't even remotely a big deal either. It's for that reason that the game doesn't need to remark on it.
In his own words (according to the Abadal-a, allegedly, so they say): 'And Morihaus, confused, snorted through his ring, saying, "Your crusades went beyond her counsel, Whitestrake, but I am a bull, and therefore reckless in my wit."'
Considering Morihaus wore Lord's Mail, I think we can chalk this one up to be false.
Are we literal dragons because we "Dragon of the North"?
You have very strange ideas on what homosixuals do in their spare time.
Their offspring are the minotaurs, so I'm gonna say, he was a bull.
I don't wanna think about what the births were like.
Where in the world did you get that idea?
Both homosixual couples in-game lived within city limits, one in Chorrol and the other in Solitude before the whole freaky Dwemer ruin thing.
Anyways, from what I've heard and read in-game, it really doesn't seem like many people have a problem with homosixuality or inter-species relationships. You'd get a few comments here and there but on the whole most people seem okay with it. I can see why inter-species relationships would be stranger for the people of Tamriel given how they tend to dislike one or more groups of people (mostly between humans, elves, and beast races), which is why it would make sense that someone would point that out over two men or women being together.
Oh, of course. Got my flannel shirt ready and waiting for that special gal.
This series already has some seriously messed up things in it, we don't need homophobia ontop of everything.
Realistically? Says who?
Elder Scrolls takes place on a fictional world that is not Earth, with it's own cultures and history. Just because things were one way in Earth's history does not mean things would be that way in Tamriel.
The last time I checked, the Elder Scrolls was created by Earthlings whose concerns is trying to avoid sensitive topics and sell as much copies as possible. No killing of children, no pillage and r4ping (this is what bandits would REALISTICALLY do, instead of hiding in caves), and no opposition to homosixuality. Racism in the Elder Scrolls world created basis for wars and conflict, and essentially created the story of each games.
In a fantasy world where people are pretty liberal to whom you bed, it seems rather ironic that they just cannot seem to accept that there are other races and other religions and have to kill each other over it.
This, I think, is the flaw with the Elder Scrolls and to an extend, Fallout: They are afraid to go ALL THE WAY, so their worlds seemingly lacks depths. Again, just IMO.
In other worlds, such as Ice and Fire; people aren't concerns about races and sixual orientation and just merrily murder each other.
I've never written my brother a letter like that - nor gotten one like it from him (and he is most assuredly into men).
In a fantasy game with giant tiger-people, talking lizards, dragons, lightning being shot out of people's hands, and the undead, people are still hung up over sixuality. Why isn't it really touched upon in the series? Maybe their world doesn't care.
Maybe because if it does, they wouldn't be selling as well; so they think. Myself, I would prefer a game that bring my own morality into question; makes it more immersive.
If they went 'all the way', as you suggest, I and many other people would find the games thoroughly unpleasent to play.
Except those things you listed are actually mentioned to happen from time to time in game. Hell, Skyrim had several children die(off-screen) and corpses that were implied to have been [censored] before being killed. Bandit raids are also mentioned constantly. I haven't played the Fallout games as much, but if I remember correctly, [censored] was also something featured in one.
I think you kind-of explained it yourself. The people are too hung up on their hate of other groups of people and the violence to care.
There is also the story of Sapphire, so, yeah, these things aren't shied away from at all.
Sure, and those within the LGBTQ community who have dealt with ongoing sixuality or gender discrimination due to this craptastic world of media, religions and bandwagons we live in would find it immensely annoying and quite potentially extremely insulting and in some cases triggering of feelings related to past traumas.
Then we just have different tastes.
Though, Fallout does touch a bit on r4pe, and is completely open to homosixuality (given that all societal rules are blown to smithereens, and everybody has a machine gun)