It seems the Predator/Brawler (Feline) pack is an Amazon only exclusive.
The Stalker (Jackal) pack is a exclusive.
Overkill (Typhoon) is for Origin.
And both GAME and Origin have the limited "Get Crysis 1 free".
Digital Deluxe is not listed on the page.
(Origin/PSN/Xbox Live account required to redeem the bonus content codes).
Sooo. Crytek, it would be great if you could update the pre-order bonus pages further with images of the exclusive dog tags and weapon skins in each pack to help us decide! Other companies show exactly what bonuses you get for pre-orders, I'm pretty sure you did it with Crysis 2, showing off the nice shiny Gold dog-tag.
It looks like more retailers could be added, but the current ones say that the bonuses are exclusive to them.