» Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:55 pm
Would you not agree though that by giving a demo to PS3 users so late they are effectively preventing them from giving any feedback on the game, whereas the PC users will be able to give pre-release feedback?
This is why I don't see the point at all of releasing a demo any later than the first week. Plus, if you're right about them not running two demos at once, why on earth would anyone bother releasing a demo the week before release? surely it would take more hassle to get it out for download than it would to just make them wait another week for the full title.
If you're right, then I suspect we won't be seeing a demo at all.
This being said, I would happily settle or them allowing reviewers like IGN etc to get their hands on a demo for review purposes even if we don't. At least that way I can see how the gameplay runs etc before purchase, without giving up any pre-order bonuses.