[RELz] PC Exclusive Gender Specific Cycling Idles

Post » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:08 pm


Allows your character to play 4 cycling idles when not moving. Male and female have separate animation path. NPCs are not affected

This mod provides 4 IDLEs for female player character and 4 IDLEs for male player character. The idles are chosen at random.

The idle is only played when you're not moving. Basically, this "replaces" the basic, gender-shared mtidle.kf with more idles.

To that end, this mod supplies you with 8 animations taken from the game's sources. They're basically 2 animations (one male, one female) duplicated 4 times.

For female, the animation is dialogbodyshiftrightfemalelistena
For male, the animation is dialogbodyshiftrightlistena

By default, you'll just cycle through the same animations over and over. You'll need other idles for variety.

Both are duplicated and renamed as follows:


Each idle has 25% chance to play. If you have any idle that you want to use, simply overwrite any of the provided idles

You can reset the playing idle by going to 1stPerson camera and drawing your weapon (any weapon will do), then go back to 3rdPerson camera and holster your weapon. After a few moments, a random idle will be chosen again.

I hope now animators can make idle animations for New Vegas, unrestricted to the fact that mtidle.kf is gender-shared. Because let's face it: gender-shared animation is VERY restrictive
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