Crysis 2 nothing but a big "F*** U" to the PC community.
Even @ 1.9 it's far from being a stable and reliable program and I'm quite frankly sick of having purchased a game that I am now Beta-testing.
I have never been able to play it longer than an hour because it crashes randomly (dx 9 or dx11) on my system (these crashes can only be fixed by a complete power reset).
Trust me I tried everything to fix it... everything you can read online and more!
There is no fun if you rush from checkpioint to checkpoint because you're afraid it'll crash any minute now. There is no fun in loosing all your stats and unlocks at random times without being able to recover them and not getting any answer from a support page.
I pretty much disassembled my entire machine and tested almost every part of it individually without any errors on my end... All programs I own run smoothly and I had by now 3 crashes of bad company 2 which I played for about 800 hours online. Metro 2033 runs very well and never crashed on me. I'm just tired of this sh***.
The terrible thing is that I like the game itself and most about it. Not beeing able to play and spending money for testing a product that is far from finished... man... Just the minute where I started to think 'better' of EA. But Crysis 2 demonstrates once again: 'Give us you money and F*** off! Sincerely EA coorporation'.
Kind of makes you wonder whether the names and people in the quality assurance department aren't all just made up. I honestly doubt that EA has such a department.
Please make this game playable for me! Please, please, please!
I doubt that Crytek however was fond of releasing the PC version so early on. Programmers are usually people who know when they deliver something that works.
My system* **:
Win7 pro 64bit
Intel q6600 @ 2.4 ghz
6gb Ram
Pny Gtx460 Oc 1024mb xrl8
Asus p5q-em mainboard
550w power supply
*All temperatures where never anywhere near a point where heat would be problematic!
**Nothing has ever been manipulated since I am a casual gamer who loves warranties on his parts.