A new computer (lightyears ahead of the old one) and a new patch has gotten me motivated to mod again. I've sat down and solved a few technical issues so far: how to hook up the growth of the base to the exploration rewards you get from Reilly (without modding the RR quests), and how to make the named Rangers
nearly unkillable by mobs, but still murderable by the player should s/he so wish.
Getting the base to grow realistically is now mostly a matter of taste: how fast, and how many steps it should take etc. I current have it so the base grows one step per reward you get from Reilly (with a day's delay, and only if you're not in the compound), no matter how small, so technically you could discover 1 point of interest and fast-travel back to get the base to grow. I've considered making it linked to the total reward you've gotten, or demand a certain amount of discoveries before a growth step is allowed, but I'm uncertain of how to balance it so it works naturally for as many players as possible. I use a mod that increases the number of map markers (Xyx's More Map Markers) and that probably doubles my growth rate in any case.
I'll likely add a condition to make the compound grow a step every 7 days if the player doesn't return, for those who don't bother with minor side-quests, and to make the rangers seem more independent.
I've also decided to add a type of protection to the rangers to ensure they survive any unforseen accidents after the quest (especially Donovan). I haven't worked out the details exactly, but I'll probably give them a scripted spell effect with an onHit block. If the attacker isn't the player it makes them essential for a few minutes, and possibly heals them afterwards. This should ensure that they survive anything except the odd initial headshot, and nukes, while still letting the player go crazy.
I might have to think of something more advanced to account for player followers, possibly by checking whether the ranger is hostile to the player at the time or something similar.
I've made a few cosmetic decisions too: I'll give the rangers brittish DPM BDU's. Reilly is an irish name, and the clover in their logo is another clue. Also, it's predominantly green, which matches their original look. Also2: getting complete uniforms in Irish camouflage, in DC, 200 years after an atomic war, is really pushing the limits of probability.
The Irish army actually has their own camouflage, but it's difficult to find good enough references for it. The armoured plates themselves will remain green, although I'll rework them a little from the original.