Re-expanding attributes

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:42 am

[size="4"][size="7"][size="7"]Well many people are angry about the whole streamlining thing and i am too, a little. Now I've only played OB and Skyrim but in OB i did not fell like i was leveling up and it wasn't just the scaling. The attributes had a really small effect on my char strength. Course this is fixed by the "streamlining" and the perks, but they obviously went a little overboard. SO maybe next time they can add an attribute clearly for thief's (mages have mana and warriors have stamina; health is neutral territory). Maybe something like balance that lets them do dodges and things and gets depleted quickly and recharges quickly. And maybe some sort of secondary attributes like endurance (for increasing poison and disease resistance) FOR WARRIORS, some reading like skill for mages allowing them to read higher level spell tomes and read in new languages (and maybe giving them special knowledge of magical traps) and for thief's something like luck which has random effects at random times i.e. an arrow that would've hit misses and opponent lowers his shield or trips, help arrives, increased chance of speech checks being made. And these would not get depleted but stay constant. Thoughts?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:22 am

I like your idea of luck, but not sure if it should only apply to thieves. Sounds like an all round good feature really.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:11 pm

I like your idea of luck, but not sure if it should only apply to thieves. Sounds like an all round good feature really.

Hmm hmm (generic comment of thanks disguising a bump)
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