Elder Scrolls IV: The Seventh Island
Main plot:
You receive word from a mute messenger. He hands you a scroll and runs off. After reading the scroll you the character learn that two boating docks have been added to Leyawin and another boat has docked near Anvil as well. Once travelling to Anvil you learn boat crew is needed and you can be hired for crew to attend a voyage. If you attend this quest you can travel with the crew. They will pay you money and you can visit islands. By visiting islands you unlock quests. If you chose to board the ship in Leyawiin however you will soon realize that a murderer is aboard the cruise ship you are on. Not just any murderer but an assassin. After you learn about his identity he will hunt you down and assassinate you before you can reveal his identity.
List of quests:
I have written or discussed or thought about a few quests to do. I have basic plots and names working on some of the ideas right now. I'd like to make 25 fully developed quests but have only come up with 7 so far. I am writing ideas and will add more info soon. Should hit twelve by tomorrow. They are:
1. The Seventh Island: Starts in Anvil, at least LVL 5 and must have 5 fame or 5 infamy.
2. Take a vacation: Cruise starts in Leyawiin, You must either have finished one guild quest line or have closed the Oblivion Gate at the city of Kvatch.
3. Stop an Assassin: Leyawiin, must complete Take a Vacation
4. The Lost Shrine: An island of the coast of Anvil, complete the Seventh Island quest
5. Build a boat
6. Build a house
7. Save Our Ship
1. The Seventh Island: Starts in Anvil, at least LVL 5 and must have 5 fame or 5 infamy.
2. Take a vacation: Cruise starts in Leyawiin, You must either have finished one guild quest line or have closed the Oblivion Gate at the city of Kvatch.
3. Stop an Assassin: Leyawiin, must complete Take a Vacation
4. The Lost Shrine: An island of the coast of Anvil, complete the Seventh Island quest
5. Build a boat
6. Build a house
7. Save Our Ship
Basic info: (all estimates unless said otherwise)
Adds roughly 1.5 miles
Adds nine new caves
Adds eleven new forts
Adds four new creature types
Adds eight boss battles
Adds two ports
Adds boating docks
Adds two new plants
Adds one new house
Adds seven new artifacts
Adds 24 NPCs
Adds one new spell
Adds other things too
Requesting: seven Modders, and 4 voice actors