What I dont think it will be about: Although the Thalmor and Aldermi Dominion have had a large presence in Skyrim, I don't think anything will come of that for TES:V and will more than likely be saved for the next game. I also don't think it will include simply added extra content to the current gamespace, as all previous expansions have been set in new lands. Lastly I don't think it will occur in a Daedric realm again, since the focus on Daedra in Skyrim is severley reduced.
What I do think: Previous expansions have all been about content relatively unrelated to the main game, save for Tribunal, but only kind of. They also don't seem to focus on catastrophic threats like the main games do. From these and in-game speculations, these are the ideas I have.
-Retaking Orsinium - Only recently have the Orc strongholds appeared in Skyrim and only because Orsinium was sacked by Hammerfel and High Rock forces. This expansion could focus retaking Orsinium for the orcs and allowing the mountains of Orsinium to be a new gamespace. The orc strongholds do not serve much purpose currently, with only a few minor quests and very few traders. The very presence of these strongholds is kind of odd anyways, since there was no lore of this prior to the game (at least that I know of).
-Learning About the Dwemer - Skyrim is one of only three provinces to have Dwemer ruins, the othere two being Hammerfell and Morrowind which have both already been featured in games. Since this is likely the last time Dwemer will be featured in a TES game, it would be a good time to finally explain what happened to them and perhaps meet them? The path going into Morrowind is also interesting. I don't think there have been passes like this is previous games.