Expansions for Skyrim

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:38 pm

Hello reader,

Oblivion was the closest thing to immersing yourself in a different world. However, it was deifnalty lacking certian things that hindered that experience. I have been very pleased to read about the information concerning the "radiant" AI and flexibility of the quests. These were things much needed in Oblivion. It got me thinking about extra content I would like to see in Skyrim that would increase the realism of TES world.

I would like to list a few things and propose that others do the same in hopes that it will attract the attention of the developers. Like any large project the people working on it become engulfed in the area and it is easy to miss little things or aspect they haven't even considered.

1) Mini games

Discussed in another thread, I would love to see the addition of mini games in a context that fits with the world such as bone dice games and card games. For examples if you like playing as a bard then you can PLAY like one, going around from tavern to tavern and performing for the punters. Earning yourself a reputation and a bit of coin on the side as well as selecting and buying different quality instruments of your choice.

Then there's your magicians, a master of illusion could surely create a display to rival the most expensive firework show or create a dragon's egg that hatch's and has the dragon crawl out, grow and flyer around the tavern chasing punters only to puff into smoke and stars that shoot across the room, I mean its only and illusion after all. Here you could travel across the land learning new spells that earn greater rewards.

Having realistic games and not the kind made up for the sake of it would be a nice addition in my opinion.

2) Story tellers, Musicians and Magicians

Linking onto my previous point but with regard to the AI. You went into a tavern on Oblivion for 3 reasons; sleep for levelling, getting information and killing a contract. Invariably you were in there for about 60 seconds max. If you read fantasy novels taverns are normally the hotspot for entertainment as something always happens in a tavern, Oblivion missed this.

Imagine walking into an inn and everybody has gathered around a charismatic storyteller listening with rapt attention, eating food and drinking. If Bethesda could actually create enough unique short stories with humour an adventure so that when you walked into that inn to kill Rufio you turned right instead and sat down to listen to an http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/muppet/images/5/55/Character.storyteller-hurt.jpg&imgrefurl=http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/The_Storyteller_(character)&usg=__ZCcPziqi_0Hrmp4f6AAbVGtyHlU=&h=232&w=300&sz=14&hl=en&start=32&zoom=1&tbnid=AlpiP7TRKn7_yM:&tbnh=152&tbnw=196&ei=i3O5Taj3DIKXhQeWyM33Dg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dstoryteller%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1220%26bih%3D671%26tbm%3Disch0%2C839&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=947&vpy=390&dur=248&hovh=170&hovw=220&tx=186&ty=78&page=3&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:32&biw=1220&bih=671 as he recounts the story of the gods. This would be an excellent way for first timers to learn more about TES. The could also have them recounting your expolits later on.

3) Background noises

Clamour and noise from taverns, bird calls in the woods, wind in the trees, humming of insects, the overpowering rush of water as it falls but no instead you got http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spNQvUNXXcQ all the bloody time! Don't get me wrong it is an amazing bit of music and inspires emotion but just not all the time. Whenever you walked into a tavern (I like taverns! lol) is was quiet apart from an occasional "Hi there!" from an over excited high elf, I mean when have you ever walked into a quiet pub past 6.30 on a weekend? A bit of background noise (if their really clever it will happen with the added NPC's that go about their lives) like a scraping chair, a constant murmur of voices, the crackling of a fire, clanging glass all of these would add to a more ambient environment and would considerably reinforce the immersive game play.

4) Weapon and armour damage

Actually being able to see nicks and dents on a blade or when you pick up your first "Rusty short sword" it actually has rust all over it. I don't know how difficult it would be but I would also like to see the scraqes and dents from where enemies have actually hit you maybe a bit of burn damage if you got hit with a fire spell.

So there is a few but its been a long day and I can't think of any right now.

I would be really interested to hear other people suggestions for added realisms to Skyrim, Please post!
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Jake Easom
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:31 am

2) Story tellers, Musicians and Magicians

3) Background noises

Yes to both! Great suggestions, I certainly hope some things will be in.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:47 pm

Yes to both! Great suggestions, I certainly hope some things will be in.

Thanks, please feel free to put down any ideas that you might have!
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