» Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:26 pm
Meh, if you need to fill up more the world you already created and sold to people, it's because it wasn't finished in the first place. DLC svcks because they are always way too overpriced and offer little content. A DLC + B DLC + C DLC =/= D Expansion, it = A+B+C DLC <<< D Expansion. No matter how much DLC you get, it never adds up and you get an unsatisfying and poor experience out of it. Most of Oblivion DLC's were useless besides Knight of the Nine. The Vile Lair is fun at first, but utterly useless as the Mage tower and the others. A real expansion though, it offers a much, much more. Developers can be so much more creative, trying something entirely different as Shivering Isles, Tribunal and Bloodmoon; a breath of fresh air, something to keep players further occupied and do something new. Then you have plenty of these useless DLCs among plenty of other things in a satisfying matter that actually makes sense. I'd rather have a completely different and big new area, with a different and fresh main quests and side quests, something to add to the ES lore and story between TES games than these worthless DLCs. In the end of the day, expansions are like mini-games, everyone wants more TES games, why not everyone wants more expansions? More out of the TES universe, the better. Asking between DLC and expansions is like asking between a house and a brush, or a city and a house, it's like asking to show us more of the TES universe and not. Easy choice if you ask me.