Experienced FPS players helping figure out brink

Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:59 am

Been playing longer than most here I'm sure (I was 23 when Halo 1 released). Goldeneye was during my college days.

I've not been this excited for a shooter in a long time.
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:11 am

to the OP, you never played any battlefield games? you missed out there mate, esp for someone that likes teamwork.

anyway, im 36, been playing video games since i was about 6 on the BBC model B micro (with a cassette player for games!!!) so 30+ years experience. but with a pregnant wife i guess my gaming time will decline over the coming months.

im a very teamwork oriented player who will most likely play mainly medic, sometimes soldier and engineer.

im looking forward to brink as i love objective based games, pity we havent had any decent ones for a few years. i also have friday off and the wife is working, really looking forward to getting some decent gaming done.
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:59 am

i've played shooters actively since the PS2 first came out. after i get the game, i will be coming up with simple pointers, so i'd be glad to help you teach new players.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:07 am

I have been playing games actively for over 15 years. Have been somewhat in a rut for the past few years because no good new games have come out, so been basically just training my aim in MW2 and occasionally tricking in Quake 3 CPMA to keep my moves in shape.

My plan is to spend a lot of time on perfecting the movements as a light, to really push the boundaries of what is possible with the system in the game. My aim is ok, but I've always excelled in movements, so that will be my strong suit.

Here's a topic I made with all my http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1187064-quake-3-cpma-trickjumping/.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:38 am

Anybody who actually cares doesn't need a thread to tell them to care, we were going to help players regardless.

I've seen a lot of these kinds of posts and I feel that perhaps you could benefit from a better understanding of how to "help" the situation.

First off, people need to stop making distinctions like "most cod players", "newbs", or "experienced fps players", and the like, as those comments have no place in this situation. These words carry very loose meanings, and we're all new to Brink. Going into it with the belief that you are "better" than others isn't going to go far if you simply end up coming across as thinking you're better. Erase any preconceptions you have of games or styles, and keep it clear from your comments. Go out there and play and earn the respect of those playing with you before you start sending pms to "advise" other players.

If a player actually sees you as better they become more willing to follow you and may even ask you for help. Show that you're a better player with a decent grasp of the game. Be a leader, but don't be pushy, and lead by example.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:07 am

This seems to bit a underhanded for the young people(13/14+ No younger). We're not all 'Runners and Gunners' I play a proper sniper(Which means takes time to line up a shot and spot targets for teammates). Not quick scoping or 360's they annoy me. I set myself a priority system and stick to it if it doesn't work I move to the front lines. Or in a game like Brink I will get an height advantage and get the drop on people(Not take on an entire time just pick people off that cause damage to my team). Listen all I'm saying is, can you please stop generalizing us, I hold nothing to heart or any grudges but this is a mature forum so can we all be advlt about this. But if you know somebody who runs and guns it's a different matter then uses you can call them a noob or whatever. And I personally never had the pleasure of playing counter-strike so this can be disregarded if it's a requirement. But I leave what I have said and hope maybe someone can take something away from it.

P.S: This is NOT a flame. Merely my view on the subject.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:30 am

I think this thread is getting derailed. I don't think the OP intended this as an E-PEEN war just simply stating if there are other FPS users out there with 10 or more years that are willing to help newer players with the genre
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:17 pm

Indeed. I'm just making my point of trying not to generalize. But I am more than willing to help other people. You never know some of the noobs turn out to be brilliant at FPS and I am all for it. I would just prefer if it wasn't steered towards the younger people. So I'll say this for people who won't be bothered reading the first page:
This topic is stating that there are people willing to help you if your new to the game so take this into account. Now to un-derail this:
Who's gonna make up a tactics and/or weapons preferences and attachments that compliment such and such and who's gonna the practical side of showing the noobs how it's done and making the tactics?
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:07 am

I'm buying - Pre-Order and everything - Brink because Splash Damage's doing it. To be honest, they were envolved with the only game i played as a "pro-gamer", back in the day - RTCW.
Although they only made maps for it - and public maps, not comp maps - and kinda like destroyed RTCW with the release of spam infested ET, their goal is always the competetive and balanced aspect of gameplay and especially teamplay.
And since i've been craving for some fun and good game to play as a team, Brink seems like the best option.

Not having Deathmatch only makes it even better for me.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:10 am

List of FPS games ive played
Doom (PC)
Golden eye (N64)
Hitman (Xbox)
Battlefield 1942 (PC)
Battlefield 2 (PC)
Battlefield 2142 (PC)
COD 2 (PC)
COD 3 Xbox 360
COD WAW (Xbox 360)
COD MW2 (PC and Xbox 360)
COD Black OPS (Xbox 360)
Prey (Xbox 360)
The Darkness (Xbox 360)
Bad Company (Gold Edition Xbox 360)
Bad Company 2 (Gold Edition)
Battlefield 1943 (Xbox 360 Arcade)
Quake (Xbox 360)
Fallout 3 (Xbox 360)
Fallout New Vegas (Xbox 360)
Star Wars Republic Commando (Xbox and Xbox 360)
Quake 4 (Xbox 360)
And a hell of alot more,
Got to say i love my shooters and have the experience, check my gamertag "MezzerliptikJay" for proof of the xbox ones just incase theres someone out there who doesnt believe me, im willing to do teamwork but i dont do mics because they get in the way of concentration and my cool haircut lol
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:42 am

I consider myself a very casual gamer and am pretty young compared to most of the members here (19 by the end of the year) so I really haven't gotten into too many first person shooters. The first one that I was officially hooked onto was

1. Enemy Territory - I played this game religiously for nearly four years and to this day I still mis2s the experience. Playing with my buddies back then after school was all I ever asked for and to be honest, I would choose it over CoD any day. I'm just really happy that Brink came from Splash Damage and they share very similar classes and objective based multiplayer.

2. Quake Wars - I played Quake Wars right after ET and was never as hooked to this as I was to ET, but it was also a good experience.

3. Team Fortress 2 - Good game and very fun to play, but it lost its flare for me and I can't even play a single match without becoming bored. Too many things have changed in this game and it just feels different to me.

Ever since I stopped playing TF2 three years ago, I really haven't gotten into any first person shooters. I played MW2 and Black Ops for at least a month before stopping and I had BF:BC2 for a good two months or so before stopping altogether. Hopefully Brink will throw me back on track with first person shooters.
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Lily Something
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:54 am

I'll add my FPS' into the mix (I've played lots of shoters, lots lots lots)

Competitive (League play)
  • Counter-strike 1.3+
  • Natural Selection
  • CS:S
  • Dystopia
  • MW2
  • BC2

Played a lot of
  • MW
  • Team Fortress Classic (My NS clan was actually a branch of TDA, one of the top TFC clans of all time, so I got to play with those guys a lot)
  • TF2
  • L4D


As you guys can see, my FPS focus is objective based, tactical play like BRINK is. I'm actually a bit of a polar opposite to the OP's games, his are mostly TDM style twitch based shooters.
Fairly sure I'm going to absolutely devastate in this game right off the bat, already have a few people adding me to friends in advance, others are welcome to as well, I also do coaching in BC2.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:21 am

If you are an experienced gamer like myself, somebody who pretty much has gaming written in their blood from birth, you may be able to help get this game popular fast! Obviously a lot of "Cod" player's won't be too happy for this. Most old school gamer's are the ones that will be able to appreciate this game for what it is. Sadly, most new generation gamer's don't actually have a good appretiation for game's, thus call of duty clones happen.

*8) Cod: mw2
*9) Cod: Black ops

* = Played excessively, without a star it just means I'm somewhat familiar on the game and probobly couldn't give advice off of experiece as much of as what I know about the game.

I thinks you missed the point, newer generations like skilless games. And I thinks you are slowly transforming and starting to love their tastes seeing which title you played "excessively".

Thats exactly what I fear right now, I am pretty sure that this game will be skilless even if it had everything to make it challenging, all that because they seem to have given a really low amount of Health to the characters. Unless there is a hardcoe mode where players have a lots of HP and were headshot only does 25% increased damage and not an instant kill, I ill not buy this game.

Funny that those old shooters from 99' are still ruling the competitive fps scene.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:36 am

I have, but you do realize that everyone has a "first time" and was once new and every new game will have it's fair share of new folks. What we need to ask ourselves is are we willing to assist such people so they too can become a veteran and enjoy the game or are we move likely to bash them and flame them?

I assure you the games that have the most helpful players end up with the greatest number of veterans playing those games.

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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:12 pm

I usually don't post on forums but I thought this was a decent idea! Not just to help players who are not used to team based games but also to perhaps find like minded players to play with! :)

My FPS list is kind of long. To save some time I've pretty much played everything here from Doom to new titles like MNC , as well as some off ones like Natural Selection, Dystopia, etc.. ( Currently beta testing NS2 ).
Starsiege:Tribes is where I started getting into League play but sadly competitive play has kind of died out for me as I got older.

I would be more than happy to help players or just team up in general for some good ole team based action!

P.S. I'm also playing Section 8: Prejudice right now if anyone would like to team up on that! ;)
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Emilie M
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:26 pm

No Doom, Doom 2, Unreal, Unreal 2, Quake, Quake 2?

Nope, sadly never got a chance for any of these... I do know what they are tho :wink_smile:

wow you think you are experienced because of that? the avarage game age is 34 if you think your little 10 years of ''experience'' is being experienced you are deeply wrong. you are only experienced if you started out on wolfenstein 3D Duke Nukem and Doom

Alas, my age kind of hindered me from getting adept with most of these older fps's. I know I'm not as experienced as most, but for my age I'm pretty damn experienced.

And u think i can take you seriously? Hating on CoD and its players while u played it like a mad men.

Then again you've never actually seen the way I play cod do you? I never stop moving... Literally never, I halo jump, I drop shot, and I strafe. I'm always top player of my team and am the only one actually playing objective properly (usually). I hate COD with a passion, but it's the only thing worth playing on my xbox... Trust me, I wish I had an amazing cpu over my xbox any day.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:08 pm

Sorry, when I mentioned my competitive background I wasnt trying to flex me fps muscles I was just putting that in to say i am the kind of player who is much more than willing to work as a team. I gave tutorial sessions to new players in the euro community and id be happy to help people out on this game. (Assuming im good at it ...but i know i will be ;P)
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