"I played my first FPS at the age of 7, it was called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreal_Tournament. However, it was the dreamcast version, not the PC version. My cousin had a game called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Operative:_No_One_Lives_Forever; I played this game when I was 8. I played it a few times, but my Uncle was amazing at it, he showed me his strategy, which was called "bunny hopping". Next up was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo:_Combat_Evolved, this game was almost like a god send for me. It was one of the first games that the xbox came with and I got it for Christmas of 2001 and it was amazing! I had 4 cousins and we would all play together and always fight over who was the best... I was the best ."
Now, I could bore you with the rest of the story... But only if people actually cared. The point is that I started playing FPS's like a religion almost starting from when I was 7. Here's a list of FPS's I'm highly familiar with.
*1)Unreal Tournament
2)No One Live's Forever
*3) Halo: combat evolved
*4) Metroid Prime Hunters
5) Counter Strike: Source
*6)Halo 3
7)Halo 2
*8) Cod: mw2
*9) Cod: Black ops
*10) Monday Night Combat (Not actually an FPS)
11) The original.... Ghost Recon
*12) L4D
*13) L4D 2
* = Played excessively, without a star it just means I'm somewhat familiar on the game and probobly couldn't give advice off of experiece as much of as what I know about the game.
Now, I get to the point of this Thread!
If you are an experienced gamer like myself, somebody who pretty much has gaming written in their blood from birth, you may be able to help get this game popular fast! Obviously a lot of "Cod" player's won't be too happy for this. Most old school gamer's are the ones that will be able to appreciate this game for what it is. Sadly, most new generation gamer's don't actually have a good appretiation for game's, thus call of duty clones happen. Brink is something that is finally going to change this. However, Brink is pushing the envelope more than you think. The gameplay is entirely different from most things that we have all played. I know that I'm ready to dive head first into this thing and figure out each little juicy detail of it. However, I know that not every player has the motivation to do this. After dying over and over, people will rage. Just look at that little kid that came here and got flamed for complaining about how bad the game was because "basically" he didn't know what the hell to do.
My idea is to have experienced player's like myself help some more "in-experienced" players learn how to play this game correctly. I'm not saying that I have it figured out yet of course... There isn't that many people that have, but I know that there are others like me that can't wait to learn to play this game to the best of our abilities. If your with me post here. What you can do to help this community is post any amazing findings or perhaps, strategies that help "you" have the advantage. This game is going to be balanced and those of you who have been following this game for a while know how insane it is going to be.
Are You Ready to Use These Brothers?
Because these first few days... Are gonna be a http://www.youtube.com/user/SplashDamageLtd#p/u/16/lQ7L6T_gZFc