I think I have the solution for the PA system. You need to use a "talking activator" its under actors.
From the looks of it, it seems that it adds the signal, but I'm not sure. Hopefully that will help you! (although knowing you, you already knew that)
I have not looked into this yet, so anything would help.
What I was going to do with the PA system is just play a 'sound' file when a trigger is hit and a random number is rolled. Is the talking activator for used for the radio stations so radios play, or is it for all sounds that are played? I thought they were for NPC sound dialog. :shrug:
As you can tell, I don't know anything about them.
I ment the perks like when you get severely irradiated your crippled limbs heal, of course if you can put your own perks in then there are an insufferable amount of ideas to be had in regards to perks.
I could come up with ideas for all sorts of things, I moderate a flashed based MMO that is in beta and give the game maker ideas as do the other moderators, but usually they tend to be a little more complicated than the programmer can utilize.
Yes, I know what you meant. And I was willing to listen to ideas for the same reason you stated: "usually they tend to be a little more complicated than the programmer can utilize".
If the idea is something that can be done within the boundry of the CS, and I like the idea, then I will probably put it in.

The portable turrets require a suspension of belief. To be realistic, I would have to make them weigh at least 500 pounds (226 Kilograms) and you would wonder how your carrying it.
I like to think its a portable materialization unit on the turret. Placing it on the ground caused it to 'summon' the turret and activating the turret causes it to send the turret back and you pick up the portable unit.