Hope you didn't take my pointing out the font the wrong way. Doing a mod for fun is the only successful way to do it, of course. I just thought with your attention to detail, you might like to know the font used, or somesuch.
I decided I'd make up for any sore feelings regarding my post, so I looked at the UVs and the clinic mesh itself; the words on it are mapped to a smaller rectangle on the front of each sign, and every sign uses the same 1 or 2 texture files, with the UVs on that rectangle on different words. So making the "Clinic" (or any other words) larger would require some mesh editing, of which goes beyond my skillset.
Nope, just wanted to let you know I was going to keep mine the way it is. The 'stitching' on my letters is more pronounced than on yours. Call me a perfectionist if you like!
What I mean by the Clinic sign is this.
1. I want the clinic sign to stay the same way it is. With the same texture.
2. I want the 'words' on the clinic sign to come from a texture file that covers the entire faceplate. And does NOT come from a big texture file, but a single small texture file that contains the words only.
Is there any secret scripting trick to doing the explosive charge/ unlocking the entrance to the cave sequence. I'm asking because it's inspired me for something that could be used to unlock other places as well.
bit-of-a-Noob asked hopefully, because it had him stumped :huh:
The 'boulders' are special >Activator objects with a script on them. I have several 'error' checking messages and a timer function that I will skip. The explosive part of the script goes like this. The script is on the boulder, so all the 'actions' happen to the boulder object.
PlaceAtMe FatManNukeExplosion 1;Puts a nuke explosion at the boulder V64RockPile001REF.enable;enables a rock rubble pile below the boulder that was previously disabled V64Rock001REF.disable;disables the boulder player.RemoveItem ammoFatMan 1;removes a mini nuke from the players inventory
That is the main action guts to the explosive boulders.