Experimental Vault 64

Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:31 pm

Experimental Vault 64
WIP by WillieSea

Previous thread pt.I: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=934310
Previous thread pt.II: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=943537

This will be a full featured vault north of 'Minefield' at the top of the hill to the West. (East of Paradise Falls)

Gaining Access to the Vault Dont read if you dont want clues.
The vault will not be easily available to anyone, even if you know where it is. Here is the scenario:
1. At Vault-Tec HQ, you find an electronic note that a message was sent to select senate members at the capital building. The message was encrypted and this note provides the key.
2. At the capital building, on the right wing (the senate chambers) there will be a terminal that still works on a desk. With the encryption key you got from Vault Tec HQ, you read the email to find out they were meeting at the statesman hotel. A man with a locked briefcase would discuss the exciting new vault and then bring the senators to the vault to see it for themselves. The four senators who were to go would each have one part of the code that would unlock the briefcase. You must find all four terminals.
3. At the statesman hotel, you search around until you find the meeting room the senators were in and the briefcase. With the four codes from the senators computers, you can open the briefcase where you will find the keycard that unlocks the V64 doors. Also included is the location of the vault which 'enables' a marker showing where the vault is.
4. At the vault, you find that a rockslide has covered the entrance to the vault. Using a mini-nuke on each of the three large boulders will blow them up so you can enter the place. You cannot use a console command to bypass the rocks and 'activate' the entrance door. I have scripted it so the three boulders must be destroyed before you can activate the door. I also scripted it so you cannot 'drop' your mini-nuke before the explosion, thus cheating the blast scripts.
5. Once inside, you must sneak past the turrets (or blow up your defense turrets) and reporgram the turret control terminal. There is a password 'note' for this terminal if you find the secret access doorway where its hidden. Or you can just hack the terminal.
6. Now, you try to open the inner door only to find that the fuse that controls the door is blown. So, you need to trek off into the wastes to a hardware store to find a fuse. Once its replaced, the door will open and you now have access to the vault.

But, you have to find all the large capacitors if you want to get the three power plants up and running. Each power plant allows one of the following to power up: Materialization Unit, Water Filtration Unit and the Simulation Pods.
There will be 'realism' controls as well that allow you to customize how you want the mod to work.

Getting the Water Filtration Plant running. Dont read if you dont want clues.
Until this is done, none of the water fountains or sinks will work.
1. Find enough large capacitors to start up the power plant in the reactor room for the filtration system.
2. Find the water chips hidden in the vault.
3. In the filtration room use the terminals to
a. Open the chip holders using the terminal.
b. Insert the chips in the open holders.
c. Close the holders using the terminals.
4. Once all the chips are replaced, start up the filtration plant using the terminal.
Now, all the water fountains and sinks will work.

Answers to questions that have been asked:
-There will 'not' be human NPC's in the vault. There will be useful androids and robots.
-No, there will not be any dialog.
-There will be a 'seperate' downloadable hint file on how to aquire the vault and how to get the place up and running for those who need help.

Complete Features:
-Overall Realism control - Disables anything that may be considered a 'cheat' in the mod
-Karma Display and modification terminal (w/Realism controls)
-Experience Mainframe (w/Realism controls)
-Quest to enter the vault:
--Three boulders must be destroyed using mini-nukes rigged to destroy the boulders, based on your explosives skill
--Fuse to fix the fuse-box so the final entrance door will open
--More to this, but not done. See the section below on work to be done.
-Security terminal to reprogram the turrets through-out the mod to accept you
-Storage rooms for Weapons, ammo, armor, clothing, ingestibles, misc stuff. (w/Realism controls)
--Fun mode: Robot that will automatically take the correct things and place them fully repaired into the individual lockers
--Realism: You manually place items in each locker
--All lockers have been retextured to put the name of the object on the locker front
--Testing will continue to determine if any 'non-one-of-a-kind' items have been missed.
-Barber - Change your hairstyle anytime you want
-Face Lift - Change your facial features anytime you want
-Clinic - For healing and radiation cleansing
-Surgery - Enhance your stats (w/Realism controls)
--Fun mode: Raise your stats up to 10 each
--Realism: Collect Stat chips and use the autodoc to install them to raise your stats up to 10 each
-Merchant - Sell the stuff you find in the wastes
-Mechanic - Repair your equipment
-Themed bedrooms/apartments:
--Tech room - Basic layout and misc stuff added. Bobble head display that 'replicates' all the bobbles you have found without removing them from you
--Love room - Basic layout and most misc stuff added
-Rest/bath rooms - Working toilet where you sit instead of 'drink' from them
-Clocks that give the correct time
-Stealth armor and other weapons with slightly increased stats and durability
-Vending machine replenishment terminal - Fill up the Nuka-cola machine and the Eat 'O 'Tronic food dispenser
-Wall 'yellow' stripe changed to blue in living quarters as well as a brick floor
-Trees and bushes in the large and open living quarters area
-Light switches to turn room lights on and off throughout
-Many items have been retextured to give them a cleaner, unused look
--Garbage can
--Hand dryer
--TP dispenser
--Rest/bath room door
--Overhead signs
--Eat 'O 'Tronic and Nuka Cola machine
--Floor, walls, ceiling retextures and mesh work
-New overhead signs to help you find your way through the vault
-Materialization unit:
--Hand held unit teleports you to the Vault 64 Materialization room
--From there, you can teleport to any location you have dropped 1 of 5 teleport markers at
--You must find the teleport markers that are placed throughout the vault
--You must find the keycard before the unit will work for you
-Power plant startup:
--Find large capacitors that are all over the vault and insert the correct number into a power control box to get it started
-Gun Range:
--Requisition ammo (w/Realism controls)
--Targets give experience based on your range from the target, far and middle range
-Entrance doorway tunnel is dark blue at night, yellow during the day to mimic light levels outside
-All pool balls now exist on the pool tables.
-Terminal to change your in-game Time Scale. Controls how fast time advances in the game. (w/Realism controls)
-Power plant startup: - Units require large conductors found through-out the vault.
--Materialization Unit - Cannot teleport until this power generator is running.
--Cloner Unit - Will not accept clones or create clones until you start the power up. WILL BE REMOVED! in favor of battle simulator world space.
--Water Filtration Unit - No water works until this is functional. After turning on the power, you must find the water chips to start the unit up.

WIP Features:
-Over-haul the current realism controls - To turn on/off different parts of the mod to make it more to your liking
-Quest to enter the vault:
--Note in Vault-Tec HQ sending you to the Capital building to retrieve letter that invited some Senators to the new vault
--Note in Capital building that invites the Senators to the Statesman hotel for a party reception before traveling to the vault
--Briefcase at statesman hotel that has entrance key to vault door and map to its location
--Fuse will be hidden in a hardware store somewhere in the wastes.
-Work bench that looks in your inventory and the storage lockers for the items to create stuff from the schematics
-Themed bedrooms/apartments
--Tech room - partially complete, need to be able to take the robot as a companion
--Have many more to complete. Ideas include Greener/Tree hugger, death and corpses, 50's style
-Projector in entrance meeting room to display my own slides
-PA system with random messages
-Animated wall panel in overseer office
-Spread stat chips 'somehow' through the wasteland
-Display room
-Vault 64 jumpsuits, lab coats
-Close the vendomatic once open
-More happy board message units
-Stat chip display case in overseer office where you can 'order' chips be made and delivered. One per week?
-Posters and paintings for apartments in living quarters
-Need to make a larger pool ball triangle that will fit all the balls inside it
-Three skeleton engineers in the place. Terminals with log entries on their work. Maint Robots can be directed to clean up the bones
-Possible Fabrication unit to duplicate things/objects
--Schematics to make special weapons? Armor?

Currently working on:
-Simulator pod where you can:
--Enter battle with any creature you choose from the menu.
-Workbench to create your own special items.

Can you HELP with any of these issues?
3. Retexture bunk bed object:
Anytime I try to apply a retexture to the bunk beds the game CTD's when I enter the cell.
This seems to be a common problem when retexturing furniture.
I have tried to apply the texture directly using Nifscope but it does not show the texture paths so I cannot try this route yet.
Possible fix: Copy the NIF file and using Nifskope, attach the texture directly to the object.

4. Retexture Robots:
I cannot find anywhere that I can replace the current texture on a robot with my own.
Do I have to edit the Meshes and hardcode the texture path there? I would rather use the 'Texture Set' object so I don't have more meshes to deal with.

Comments welcome.
Please do not bash the mod or argue in this thread. I reserve the right to request posts be removed.
I will also attempt to maintain this first post with updates and Screen shot additions.

Please do not take it personally if you make a suggestion and I do not implement it.
I am making the mod for myself first. If I like your idea I will implement it. If I don't I will try to say why as nicely as I can.




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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:18 am

Willie I think what you have to do is go to the model of the robot you want to change and look for a button that says edit. Then clicking that will bring up something allowing you to switch the texture set. I did this with the turrets once or twice before. I uploaded a video to youtube but it was very bad quality so you couldn't really tell what was happening.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:23 am

My... Atom... Man...

I remember, a while ago, I clicked on the very first thread for this and I just passed it off as "another boring vault" with some new bathroom textures...
Please, Atom, slap me in the face and make it hurt.

This mod is looking extremely good. Honestly, I'm not sure if it's the pure amount of effort you put into the models and textures, the vault layout itself, the willingness to create a story for it, or all of those combined, but by Atom it is looking fantastic.

I have no real experience with modeling and texturing, so I'm sorry to say I can't help you, but checking out "RobCo Certified" might be a good place to start looking for assistance. The creator has the bots set up to use their own texture.
Also, will the androids have their own voice actors? Just curious, as it would be the whip cream... NO, the cherry... NO! the hot fudge slowly dripped onto the delicious sundae of modding expertise to finish it off.

Well, I'm off to give myself up to Atom's glow for so foolishly underestimating this mod. :nuke:
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:13 pm

I think what you have to do is go to the model of the robot you want to change and look for a button that says edit. Then clicking that will bring up something allowing you to switch the texture set. I did this with the turrets once or twice before. I uploaded a video to youtube but it was very bad quality so you couldn't really tell what was happening.

There is not an 'edit' for creatures. I think this is because they are made up of different 'object' inside the creature folder. I may have to add my own creature folder which is what I believe RobCo Certified did. Then hard-code the new textures to the new mesh files. Sigh!

I remember, a while ago, I clicked on the very first thread for this and I just passed it off as "another boring vault" with some new bathroom textures...
Please, Atom, slap me in the face and make it hurt.
Also, will the androids have their own voice actors?

I am sure the almighty atom will forgive you this one time... :)
I had not planned on making the androids talk, other than what they say when you walk past them. Same with the robots. I am 'lame' at dialog I am sad to say.

I have been working through several issues with the simulated battle world. It is turing out nice, but will take some time to make it 'just right'.
I put in a terminal on a tree so you can summon critters. (for testing). I sort of like it there, so it will probably stay. :)
There must be a way to get nav-meshes from different cells to 'connect' together. Its the big issue right now. (and not give me several dozen error messages about overlapping and etc., etc..

I will be adding script to the creatures so they slowly vanish then get marked for deletion.
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:18 am

How about some picture updates?

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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:45 am

heh, never underestimate a WillieSea mod.

To reiterate a point that I have over and over again with mods and their "questions/bug reports"

Will you honor us with the same as having a non spoiler thread and a bug report thing?

Not trying to start a flame war here, just don't want to spoil my fun. I like looking for stuff if it takes me 10 days longer than any other user, well thats how it rolls.

I do remember that your ancient towers, had very few spoilers in it, and for the life of me I can't remember if you demanded it or whatever. LOL

to be honest I just gave up on fallout and went back to OB so now I'm enjoying my Ancient towers again, but will be downloading this as soon as available.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:25 pm

Hey phillygirl41, You asked this before but I can answer it again, no problem. I have also added this to the 'answered questions' section of the first post. :)
The readme will have instructions on how to do things. It will be clearly noted and at the bottom of the readme file. Just like Ancient Towers had its spoilers at the bottom of the readme file. Even then, there are always hordes of 'people'(to put it nicely) who can't be bothered to 'read' or even 'keep' the readme file and ask over and over again how to find this or that...
I may put the HINTS file in a seperate download to stave off that horde. :)

Heh, I have some good ideas for the battle simulation. It should make it interesting...
I will report more on this is any of it actually works.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:25 pm

oooo, I think I may just live in that house! :lol:
Will monster's follow you in there? Or will door's be disabled while monster's are summoned?
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:54 pm

If a 'creature' is able to open doors, than they will probably follow you inside. I have only begun work on the battle simulation so I am not sure how it will work yet.
I have been toying with the idea of forcing the player to kill all the summoned creatures before being able to leave the simulation.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:21 pm

Wow, you act like this is your child, lol. You're really putting some work into this;I can see you wanna get it right.

Judging by how maticulous you're being about details, you're not going to to releasing this anytime soon, lulz :brokencomputer:
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:35 am

Judging by how maticulous you're being about details, you're not going to to releasing this anytime soon, lulz :brokencomputer:

After the battle simulator is done, believe it or not, the hard stuff will be done. Thats the good news!
The bad news you ask? Well, it will probably still be a while before I can call it done. Even then, some people will not be happy with it since there will be no real dialog. I can't stand talking to NPC's, I just want to do things. This will be reflected in my mod... Lots to do with no dialog, nobody holding your hand as you try to figure out the vaults secrets. :)
But I am making the mod for myself first and foremost, so its a win for me and a win for anybody else who does like it.
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:25 am

But I am making the mod for myself first and foremost, so its a win for me and a win for anybody else who does like it.

That's the best way to mod!
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:38 pm

That's the best way to mod!

Very true. Once you start injecting F.E.V. into your precious baby to turn it into what EVERYBODY wants, it begins to get ugly and... Well, it might get a hammer and beat you to death with it.
But that's normal.


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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:45 pm

There is no way to make a mod that everybody will like. So, I make it for me...

And there is nothing like using simulated weapons with unlimited ammo to toast the town!
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:34 pm

One house mod to rule them all ;) Seriously can't wait for this mod to be released. I just don't have the time to do mods, but I wish that an house mod that did 90% of what I want was released.
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:33 am

I really think the waiting might make my head explode. I know great work takes time, and I understand the want to have it polished before general release. Im not complaining, I just want to add my voice to all of us who cant wait. Thanks for all your hard work.
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:52 am

Willie-since this was meant to hold the most intellegent people in the world and somesuch, maybe, as a sidequest, you can find some old records in the Vault that 3-dog can play?

There are some really good songs that were never included in fallout, such as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t314wo05ElI, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8OlDPqYBLw, and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icoHy6b-f2s.

Just a suggestion- there are some really good oldies that weren't included. Of course, you could completely ignore me, I am a noob after all :P
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:58 am

thats not really the purpas of this mod Saberwolf. it's a house mod not an GNR expansion. there are sepret mods for that
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:42 am

@Mystra007 - I found early on that if you want something, you have to do it yourself. I am very picky about the mods I use and I really hated the 'disorganized' way a lot of mods are made. Like I said, I am picky that way. So, I started making my own mods and learned over time how to do things. There are still many things I cannot do, and don't want to do. (Like dialog) So, I concentrate on the things I like.

@Summonmew - I am happy to hear from the well wishers as well. Its an encouragement to me to keep working on the mod. :) Thanks to you and everyone else who make positive comments!

@Saberwolf116 - I am trying to avoid making changes that effect vanilla objects, and the Galaxy News Radio would fit into that category. It would make this mod NOT compatible with any other mod that changes the GNR as well. Everything in this mod is self contained and should not effect any other mod, unless they put something in the same place that I placed my vault. That cannot be helped though. :)
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:51 pm

@Mystra007 - I found early on that if you want something, you have to do it yourself. I am very picky about the mods I use and I really hated the 'disorganized' way a lot of mods are made. Like I said, I am picky that way. So, I started making my own mods and learned over time how to do things. There are still many things I cannot do, and don't want to do. (Like dialog) So, I concentrate on the things I like.

I heard in the topic that you made "Ancient Towers" in Oblivion. I used a couple of house mods including ancient towers in Oblivion, individually they didn't correspond to my individual needs but together they did. I like your style, so I think this mod will answers most of my need, I might just need to alter it a bit to suit my taste. Like by adding a food replicator. I would really like an early release, but I guess I'll have to wait like everyone(and I don't have enough time for testing I guess...). To be honest with you I dislike the fallout world, so Im making some sort of forgotten vault-city with a large populations of NPCs and tranquility/raven rock architectural style, but that takes time. I think if I really like your mod, Ill just drop that project (because thats an excuse for making myself an house). Id like to give a suggestion if you allow me, I like to feel important & protected in my own house. Might I suggest that we could hire security guards to whom you could give your own gear to and security measures such as relockable doors? (as I don't feel its right to leave all those high-tech military hardware around when my front door is unlocked and without guards), I always felt that this was the lacking feature that was the most important to me. Im really asking 3 things from my "main house mod": give me NPCs I can talk to/give my own branded gear to, give me guard/relockable doors/containers, and enough storage(labeled if possible).

So anyway, I read you didn't like to do dialog... computer interactions in fallout requires dialogs/scripts, so would you be interested in a food replicator for that vault ?
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:34 am

@Mystra007 - Terminals do not require dialog, they are menu's with scripts attached. I am using plenty of these. As for a food replicator, I already have an eat 'o 'tronic with a terminal attached that will allow you to 'purchase' many of the foods available in the FO3 world. When you use the terminal, the food shows up in the eat 'o 'tronic.

The entrance gear door can be closed. It requires that you have the pass key to operate, so, the place is securable. If you drop or loose the key, then you will not be operating the vault door.

The entrance also has several gun turrets. I don't think a herd of deathclaws would make it past them alive. One entrance room has 6 turrets, the other room has 2, and the cave has 1. The reactor has 2 and the entrance to the overseer office has 1. The room outside the shooting range has 1. I think that is plenty of protection.

The Androids and Robots all have script on them with menu selections. This bypasses the need for dialog. But I like this much better.

Once its released, you are free to make any change you want to the place. I would frown on you releasing it with your changes though, since its still my work. I would allow significant changes to be posted on my download page though, with credit for you. I have done this with some of my other mods. It just gives people more choice on what they want.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:20 pm

I have a question. Remember how vault 101 had the PA system that broadcasted Music and vault-tec "fun facts/statistics" ? I think the station was vault 101 radio or something like that. It never mentioned vault 101 (that I noticed) You could rename it and give it a signal in the vault 64 cell's. Would you consider doing something like that? Or do you just think it would be unnecesary? :)
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:38 pm

looks awesome as always willie.
while im here i was jw are you still working on CFMH?
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:37 am

@Yevic - Per the WIP Features on the first post:
-PA system with random messages
I plan on placing triggers that will have a random chance of playing a wave file. These will be inane message that you might hear in a vault.

@Sepiroth - CfMH mod needs some TLC. Some of the dialog has issues and I was going to contact Lingwei about it since he created it for the mod. Life issues have been hammering me hard lately, so I don't have much time to look into that mod at the moment. For those that don't know what that is, check the link in my signature line. (check the 'Coming Soon' section)
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:05 pm

@Yevic - Per the WIP Features on the first post:
-PA system with random messages
I plan on placing triggers that will have a random chance of playing a wave file. These will be inane message that you might hear in a vault.


I'm sorry, I looked there but didnt see it. (I'm as blind as a bat sometimes)
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