» Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:14 am
Similarly you can scam your followers if they are trainers! Please Faendal so he's your friend, then buy his archery training, then, as a follower, dig into his inventory and take the cash back. Rinse and repeat upto archery skill level 50. But this is even more of an exploit than stealing from a trainer who's no friend.
I guess the question is How despicable do you want to be?
Balancing the other side of the coin however, its true to say those trainer npc are real rip off merchants arnt they. Especially as the skill climbs a bit, I mean like well over a grand for just one point of training skill, so maybe they deserve a bit of scamming pay back huh!
Skyrim's not exactly like the real world of course, and you can do all sort of things that in real life would get you either arrested of punched or worse. I mean would you steal from the wallet of a martial arts instructor and then have the stones to go back for more training, pah! I think not. So my friend it all comes down to what you think is acceptable behaviour in a RPG sense, would your thief steal from his mates, his grandmother, the orphanage? But some npc's positively need a good turning over, like Belathor for instance, ok he's not a trainer, but I'd scam that slimy git even if it was his last Septim and he was about to be evicted for not paying the Jarls tax.
Sorry, right back on track, it's it an exploit? Well here's your definitive answere according to, well, me!
If it's just a trainer, not a mate, and you are not going back for more training, or he's so thick he really wouldn't notice, then .......No it's not an exploit cos you could really do it in our world if you chose to. You know, get guitar lessons then steal the guys wallet on the way out the door!
If the trainer is a friend, then yes it qualifies as an exploit cos you wouldn't really do it, and if you did , he would notice it and never invite you around for milk and cookies again, like ever!
Technically, like BlackPete said, an Exploit is a coding error that allows things to be done that should not really be possible, but they got through the Dev testing. An Exploitation glitch is even worse as it's essentially broken code that fails to prevent a cheat. Eg, the scroll duplication glitch in Oblivion. In skyrim we have the Restoration Exploitation for making Super Potions leading to things like ten thousand percent increased weapon power, if you want to go down that route, personally it's not for me.
So by that kinda definition, stealing back coin, which is a pickpockets Normal function, is Not an exploit