» Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:15 pm
JJust a while ago I lost my main vault to deathclaws so I started over(man they are annoying). I got a very high level dweller in a lunch box and I sent him out to explore. While he was out he died though so I revived him and brought him back but then forgot about him and left the game for over 24 hours. After all that I get a message saying he has returned from the wasteland so I click on it. When I get to my vault I see him lying dead out side like he had died waiting. When I click on him it brings up the exploration menu and it cost 1000 to bring him back. That's alot for a new vault but that's besides the point. It said he was out for 15 hours when he can't even survive for 6. Then the game crashes and shuts my whole phone down. This isn't really game breaking except for that last part but it is still annoying. Anyone else have this problem?