» Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:13 pm
Four eyes for me is... ehhh... I don't know, you take a huge hit if your not wearing glasses -2per, you could really never wear power armor helmets or other Full Face Helmets, BUT! if you get the Key to the Legion Safe house you can get a pair of "Lucky Shades" which will ad +3. Then add a perception implant and you'd be up to a +4 Perception, then add Boones beret and you'd have a +5 Perception.
and "explosives" build for me. would look like this.
S: 6 (Take Weapons Handling to drop "heavy weapons" to 6)
P: 6 (Need it for Better Critical)
E: 6 (possibly 7)
C: 1 (I don't much care for being "Chatty")
I: 8+ (more skill points, and if you had Arcade with you to add +20% to healing)
A: 6 (anything more is pointless unless your going for AP)
L: 7 (Naughty nightware, and lucky shades WILL help, then add a luck implant... there's your 10 luck to [censored] the casinos)
Four eyes(Varies the build)
Loose Cannon
lvl 2: Heave, HO!
lvl 4: Comprehension
lvl 6: Shotgun Surgeon
lvl 8: Demolition Expert(you can switch Shotgun Surgeon and this one if you wanted too)
lvl 10: Mister Sandman or Demolition Expert, Bloody Mess
lvl 12: Hit the Deck!
lvl 14: Jury Rigging
lvl 16: Better Criticals, Tag!, Weapons Handling, Demolition Expert, Adamantium Skeleton, Bloody Mess
lvl 18: Better Criticals, Tag!, Weapons Handling, Demolition Expert, Adamantium Skeleton, Bloody Mess
lvl 20: Grim Reaper Spirit(if you use VATS)
lvl 22: Spray and pray(This in combination with Hit the Deck makes your Frags and missiles nearly ineffective with your companions)
lvl 24: Better Criticals, Tag!, Weapons Handling, Demolition Expert, Toughness, Adamantium Skeleton, Bloody Mess
lvl 26: Better Criticals, Tag!, Weapons Handling, Demolition Expert, Toughness, Adamantium Skeleton, Bloody Mess
lvl 28: Better Criticals, Tag!, Weapons Handling, Demolition Expert, Toughness, Adamantium Skeleton, Bloody Mess
lvl 30: Better Criticals, Tag!, Weapons Handling, Demolition Expert, Toughness, Adamantium Skeleton, Bloody Mess
Thats pretty much the norm.
Tag! x3
Even Tagging Explosives at the Start for me is iffy. They do so much damage that, even at 25-50 will keep it "good" for along time, Thump Thump only Requires a 25, Annabelle is 75, and Mercy is 100, so unless your going to Race off and clear out all of Deathclaws at Dead wind Caverns, Explosives can wait till your in your upper level teens if not 20's I'd Concentrate on "passive" skills like lock pick, Science, Repair, Speech, Barter, Medicine.
Also take into consideration, that "Explosives" is an EXTREMELY Expensive build, and quite Heavy in hardcoe mode(all my HC explosive guy carries is Hunting shotgun, and Thump thump) *****Barter is going to be VERY VERY important***** Until much later in the Game... or when you "[censored]" the casinos with your 10 luck. heh...