» Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:43 pm
I've tried Explosives-oriented characters before, and I second the recommendation of a backup skill for CQC even if you have both Adamantium Skeleton and Hit the Deck, as high-tier explosive weapons can/will kill you regardless since your own Demo Expert perks are being applied against you.
I ended up adding a bunch of weapons to the DE form list, so I get the full punch the weapons are capable of with all 3 ranks. I also modified certain rounds to have an AP component, although some of the best weapons don't really need that.
In an un-modded game I do not recommend much (if any) use of the Fat Man, as it's been nerfed to hell and back in addition to having almost no ammunition available for it. I fixed both of these, although the ammunition is still scare, so I actually use it although only for the toughest targets, such as an Alpha Deathclaw.
PROTIP: The Grenade Rifle, Grenade Launcher, and Fat Man are ballistic weapons and as such must be fired in an arc to reach distant targets. As mentioned by another poster this takes some practice, although even over/under-shots can still heavily damage the target(s) due to these all being AoE weapons.
For perks I took:
Demolition Expert (x3)
Splash Damage
Adamantium Skeleton
Hit the Deck
Strong Back (high-tier Explosives weapons are really heavy)
Pack Rat (same with most of the ammo, although Missiles and Mini-Nukes are not covered)
Weapon Handling (optional, if you wear Power Armor you probably don't need it)
Toughness (x2)
Jury Rigging (optional, however high-tier Explosives weapons have very limited repair choices without it)
and a couple more I cannot currently recall. I did not optimize Traits for this, although I probably should have.
I cannot really give a SPECIAL recommendation as I have a heavily modded chargen system and do not use companions, however high Endurance is a good idea and a STR of 6 (5+implant will do) would also be a good choice. The +DT implant would be a good idea as well, as you'll be hitting yourself a fair amount of the time due to some weapons having huge blast radii, especially with Splash Damage.
Heavy (Power of some kind, preferably) armor is probably a good idea, as you need to be in an open space to use your weapons without blowing yourself up in the process and as a result will take a fair amount of return fire. The added DT will also help compensate for accidentally getting caught in your own blasts, although the high-tier stuff will essentially ignore it due to sheer volume of force.
Early on things will be rather rough if you go straight Explosives, as Dynamite and thrown Grenades are laughably inaccurate with a low Explosives skill and will bounce all over the place after impact. As such I recommend developing a backup skill early on at the same time, even though that will cut into skill point distribution. Melee or Unarmed are ideal, as neither require ammunition and both can get reasonable gear right from the start. Guns or EW can also work; doubling up on ammo expenditures that early is probably not a good idea, however If you're willing to stay cash-strapped for a while, that problem will disappear by the time you have access to the better stuff. My personal choice would be Unarmed, as it has high(er)-end options tailored to specific critter groups (i.e. the Zap Glove vs. robots) as well as the insanely good Ballistic Fist. Early Unarmed will be a bit rough in trade, but it's definitely worth it IMO.