» Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:29 pm
Well ofc they will show off crysis 2 in DX11... and its gonna be rendered on quad sli 590s and still it will have quite low fps on 1280x720 resolution.
If the DX11 is done right, you should see an FPS increase. WoW for example, when you put it in DX11 mode some users gained a 25% performance boost.
No. You see a performance boost when DirectX 11 is done wrong. When done right, with tesseation, compute shader, volumatric lighting, etc, it raqes your performance.
The way DirectX work is something like this simplified:
1) Game tells DirectX to draw something on screen
2) DirectX tries to make best guess if the current graphics card can draw something faster, or if the CPU would do it faster
3) Something is drawn into either graphics memory or main system memory, and copied over to screen memory for display
What the "something" that can be drawn on screen actually is, depends on the DirectX version. Again doing gross simplifying:
DX9 can draw dots
-> to make a circle, game sends hundred dots to DX9 and calculates in CPU where those dots should be, working both CPU and GPU
DX10 can draw lines
-> to make a circle, game first calculates in CPU ten lines that make up the circle, and then tells DX10 to draw bunch of lines. Part of the work is again done in CPU and part in GPU.
DX11 can draw circles
-> game tells DX11 the center point and radius, and gets a line with single command bypassing CPU completely.
If the instructions are written correctly, it SHOULD result in a net gain. In WoW the difference between DX9 and DX11 is mostly cosmetic, but it is there if you know where to look. One of the biggest advances in DirectX from 9 to 10 was in particle effects, in things like smoke and fire. How this affects WoW is that DX9 mode will draw simple and crude particle effects while DX10 and DX11 cards in DX11 mode will show more realistic smoke and fire. Whole another thing is that how many people will stop admiring the better fire while standing in one...